063 acquiring a portkey

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"Hey, Newt?" Jacob called out, one arm on the rail as he stared down into Newt's surprisingly vast basement. His voice echoed throughout the space as he stood at the top of the stairs, searching for a friend. He had been desperately searching the streets aimlessly for an hour, his clothes drenched. As expected, there was no trace of Queenie. The blonde had disappeared without a trace, only vowing to return to her sister. He wasn't as angry as he thought he should be. Maybe with the fight replaying in the back of his mind, he felt guilty, like he was one who caused her all this pain.

"I'm done here, Jacob," Newt's voice reverberated back, "So, I'll be with you in a second."

Ignoring Newt's words, Jacob walked down the stairs. The rest of his basement was dimly lit, providing enough light to see the outline of each step. As the first set of stairs ended, a large archway window stood to Jacob's left. Perched on the bricks was an Augurey. The thin magical bird stared at Jacob blank, cawing mournfully at the man.

Jacob shook his head at the large creature, "I got my own problems."

At the bottom of the stairs, Newt's suitcase laid open, various papers were pinned up but a picture of Tina smiling caught Jacob's attention. He tried his best not to trip over scurrying creatures, some smaller than others. Looking up almost gave Jacob vertigo, the ceiling stretched far away. It was amazing for someone who had lived in the muggle world to see. Newt's basement seemed to never end, each creature had a large enclosure, an environment for all of them to live in.

"Incoming." Newt finally appeared, holding a small vial by his pinky.

"Hey," Jacob let out, finally able to greet his friend, soberly, "What've you got there?"

"It's a hinkypunk, it disrupts tracking charms," Newt explained, dropping it into his suitcase.

Jacob followed the object, glancing down at the fallen vial as Newt rushed to pack his case. "You're going somewhere?"

"No, we're going somewhere," Newt answered, stopping at the door, "Queenie left a postcard. Tina's in Paris looking for Credence."

"Genius," Jacob pumped the air with his fists. "Queenie's gonna go straight for Tina. Okay, we're going to France, pal! Hold on. I'll get my jacket."

"I've got it," closing his suitcase, Newt summoned Jacob's jacket. The coat flew straight towards the shorter man, arriving straight onto his arm, folded. Jacob let out a sound of amusement, before turning back to Newt. A gust of wind blew from his wand, it was warm and inviting, not too strong to pick Jacob off his feet, but it dried his wet clothes easily. As they turned to leave, they both froze at the bottom of the staircase.

Ariadne stood with her arms crossed, blocking their path as her heels clicked down the stairs. "I take it you didn't accept the offer given to you by Travers?"

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