6: The Media Frenzy

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Zhang Yue's worst fears came true. The rumors about "Muse" being inspired by her spread like wildfire, and soon, the media was knocking on her door.

Paparazzi camped outside her apartment, snapping photos and asking invasive questions. Social media was abuzz with speculation, and #LiWeiAndZhangYue trended worldwide.

Rachel, ever the loyal friend, tried to shield her from the chaos, but even she couldn't keep the media at bay.

One morning, Zhang Yue woke up to find her face plastered on the front page of a tabloid, with a headline that screamed: "Li Wei's Muse: The Girl Who Stole His Heart (Again)!"

The article was a mess of speculation and half-truths, but it sparked a frenzy. Talk shows and entertainment news programs dissected her relationship with Li Wei, and the public devoured every morsel.

Zhang Yue felt like a prisoner in her own home, unable to escape the constant scrutiny. Li Wei tried to be supportive, but even he couldn't shield her from the storm.

As the media frenzy reached a fever pitch, Zhang Yue realized she had to take control of the narrative. She couldn't let the tabloids define her story.

With Rachel's help, she crafted a statement, addressing the rumors and setting the record straight. But as she prepared to face the press, she knew this was only the beginning.

The question was, how would she emerge from the eye of the storm?

Li Wei's statement dropped like a bombshell, sending shockwaves through the media and his fandom.

"To my fans and the media," he wrote, "I want to address the rumors about my song 'Muse'. Yes, it is about Zhang Yue. She is the love of my life, and I am grateful to have her back in my arms. I love her with all my heart and soul, and I would do anything to protect her from harm."

The statement was direct, passionate, and unapologetic. Li Wei's fans were divided, with some applauding his honesty and others feeling betrayed.

But Li Wei didn't mince words. "If you're upset about me rebuilding my relationship with Zhang Yue, then you were never my fan in the first place. I don't need fans who only support me conditionally. I need fans who understand that love and forgiveness are the most powerful forces in life."

The statement sparked a firestorm of debate, with some praising Li Wei's courage and others accusing him of being arrogant and selfish.

Zhang Yue, however, was overwhelmed with emotion. She had never expected Li Wei to be so public and vocal about their relationship, and his words touched her heart in ways she never thought possible.

As the dust settled, one thing was clear: Li Wei and Zhang Yue were all in, and they wouldn't let anything or anyone come between them again.

The days that followed were a whirlwind of chaos and bliss. Li Wei and Zhang Yue's relationship was now public knowledge, and the media frenzy reached new heights.

But amidst the chaos, they found solace in each other's arms. They laughed, loved, and explored the city together, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.

Li Wei's fans, though initially divided, began to rally behind the couple. They saw the love and devotion in Li Wei's eyes when he looked at Zhang Yue, and they knew that this was the real deal.

The haters, however, were relentless. They spewed venom and hatred online, trying to tear the couple down. But Li Wei and Zhang Yue refused to engage, knowing that their love was stronger than any troll's vitriol.

One evening, as they strolled hand in hand through the city, Li Wei turned to Zhang Yue with a mischievous grin. "You know, I have a surprise for you."

Zhang Yue's heart skipped a beat as Li Wei led her to a secluded rooftop overlooking the city skyline. And there, in the midst of a sea of candles and flowers, he got down on one knee and proposed.

"Zhang Yue, from the moment I met you, I knew you were special. Will you marry me?"

Tears of joy streaming down her face, Zhang Yue nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes, a million times yes!"

As the city lights twinkled below, Li Wei slid the ring onto her finger, and they shared a kiss that left the world spinning.

The moment Li Wei slipped the ring onto Zhang Yue's finger, their love became a beacon of hope for their fans. And as if fate had a sense of humor, Li Wei's label released a new single, "She Said Yes," just hours after the proposal.

The song's lyrics spoke of a love so strong, it conquered all doubts and fears. The chorus echoed the words Li Wei had whispered to Zhang Yue on the rooftop: "She said yes, and my heart took flight..."

Fans went into a frenzy, speculating if the song was indeed inspired by Li Wei's proposal to Zhang Yue. The couple's social media accounts were flooded with congratulations and well-wishes, as if the entire world was celebrating their love.

Zhang Yue blushed every time she saw the song's title, knowing the secret behind its release. Li Wei just smiled, his eyes twinkling with happiness, as he held her close and whispered, "Forever and always, my love."

The media, of course, had a field day. "Li Wei Proposes to Zhang Yue?" headlines screamed, as entertainment news outlets scrambled to confirm the rumors.

But Li Wei and Zhang Yue remained tight-lipped, savoring their private moment and letting the music speak for itself. And as "She Said Yes" topped the charts, their love became a symbol of hope and devotion, inspiring countless fans around the world.

As the days went by, the speculation only grew. Fans dissected every lyric, every music video frame, and every public appearance, searching for clues about the couple's status.

Li Wei and Zhang Yue, however, remained coy, fueling the fire with subtle hints and playful banter on social media.

Their friends and family were just as tight-lipped, but the excitement was palpable. Rachel, Zhang Yue's best friend, was over the moon, planning an epic bachelorette party and wedding celebration.

Even Li Wei's bandmates were grinning from ear to ear, thrilled to see their brother so happy.

One evening, as Li Wei and Zhang Yue walked the red carpet at a music awards show, the tension was electric. The paparazzi screamed their names, and the crowd went wild as they posed for photos, their love shining brighter than any spotlight.

And then, in a moment that will be etched in the memories of their fans forever, Li Wei turned to Zhang Yue, pulled out a small box, and revealed the most stunning diamond ring.

"Zhang Yue, from the moment I met you, I knew you were the one," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "Will you marry me... again?"

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as Zhang Yue nodded, tears streaming down her face, and Li Wei slid the ring onto her finger once more.

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