Ch | II

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(Izuru at this point is just trying to postpone the inevitable, Nagito is the inevitable)

Although Izuru doesn't want to admit it Nagito is actually well liked, occasionally he would notice some eyes looking at Nagito when he did his rounds around the school. Izuru didn't pay much attention, someone's love life is none of his concern but now it was a matter of his own life.

There was one girl specifically who would steal glances at Nagito, it was more surprising that Nagito never noticed. Izuru decided that she would be a good match and a likely success, after the lunch period he made his way towards her where she was alone.

"Excuse me."

Izuru will make quick work, he wants to get this over with and continue his life like he planned.

"Hm? O-Oh! Hello Kamukura, nice of you to talk to me! D-Do you need anything?"

She was frantic to say the least, Izuru didn't realize how much of an impact he really has. He personally didn't think of himself all that aloof, but maybe that'll be an advantage if this doesn't pan out.

"Yes, hello. I've noticed your interest towards Komaeda, unless I'm mistaken?"

"H-Huh? K-Komaeda? I guess... he's handsome, kind, smart, and tall..."

Izuru though doesn't like to cut people off he wouldn't enjoy sitting through the list of attributes that she liked about Nagito.

"Ahem, so you do. Well I am here to give you help on attracting him, all of this is coming from a...friend."

It wasn't exactly a lie so Izuru didn't feel remorseful.

"R-Really? Thanks! But why?"

Izuru hasn't really thought it through.

"He's a rather...lonely person and I know it might be difficult for him, I'm sure someone like you will brighten his day."

This wasn't in his field, Izuru just needed it to be believable.

"T-Thank you...but I don't really have anything to repay you."

Izuru signed in relief.

"There's no need, just by winning his heart is a payment of itself. I wish you the best of luck."

It was a quick conversation that left a bad taste in Izuru's mouth, the nonsensical part of him such as liking Nagito romantically is still prevalent. After listing a few things Izuru made his way to the student council room.

Once he arrived it was a surprise to see Nagito there, he seemed to be there waiting for something. Although it would be considered rude to not say "hello" especially by Izuru's standards he will use that to make Nagito not like him.

Without announcing his entrance Izuru made his way to his desk and busied himself with work.

"Ah, Izuru! I've been waiting for you!"

Izuru was tempted to ignore him but the way Nagito stood up and walked towards him was all too much, Izuru wanted to slap himself.

"And what would be the reason for that?"

"I was thinking because Valentine's day is coming soon the school can celebrate it with a festival!"

"Hm, Nevermind would host a festival as well. It might overlap, I think it's best to wait a bit before hosting another."

"I've already thought of that so I asked Sonia if we can conjoined the two! She was onboard with the idea and majority of the students we asked have liked the idea!"

"But why Valentine's day? It is a national holiday but I don't seen the reason on why it should have a festival here."

"Well...there is another reason but it's a rather selfish one, it's best if I don't reveal it!"

Izuru's mind was running on what that could mean, he had a good idea but it's probably a stretch. Right now he needs to calm down, the image of that idea is making his face warm. Internally he's now cursing at himself.

"I see, I'll bring it to the headmaster then."

"Thank you Izuru!"

Nagito grasped Izuru's hands in his and stared at him deep in the eye, there was only adoration. Izuru was trying his best to maintain eye contact to make himself feel better but considering how fast his heartbeat is going he would get a heart attack.

Izuru broke first and pulled his hands away.

"It's not guaranteed, he could dismiss it so don't get your hopes up."

"Right...well I will see you! Bye Izuru!"

Nagito made his way out of the room with a smile, Izuru once seeing that he was completely gone he let his head fall on to his desk. He felt tired and there were still hours left. Looking at his hands he felt tingly, such simple physical contact making him react this way was embarrassing.

Before he knew it he fell asleep.


Opening his eyes Izuru immediately jumped up, looking around the room it was empty. Then glancing at the clock it would only be 10 minutes before the meeting, Izuru quickly sorted himself and his desk. He wouldn't forgive himself to show such unprofessional to his student council members.

The moment he finished the first council member came in.

"Good evening Kamukura."

"Evening, Pekoyama."

After the short greeting more members came in, including Nagito.

"Everyone is here besides Nanami, does anyone know where she is?"

"She has the flu and needed to leave early."

"I see, thank you Nevermind."

The meeting started at a slow pace, Izuru had difficulty concentrating when he noticed a red mark on Nagito's face. It weirdly was shaped of a hand print and it wasn't the only one.

"Hey, weirdo. Did ya get in a fight or something?"

"Hm? No? I don't believe so Fuyuhiko."

"Then what's with the slap mark? Looks painful to be honest."

"Oh this! Someone came up to me confessing their feelings, I was flattered as they gifted me with all my favorite snacks but I refused."

"And why is that?"

Izuru was more or less on edge, some of the members noticed the change but didn't say anything. They all waited for Nagito to answer.

"It's rather personal but let's just say my heart belongs to someone else, I have yet to tell them."

After an awkward silence everyone continued with the meeting and soon will forget about it, all but Izuru who internally was freaking out and needed to make another plan of growing the distance between him and Nagito.

Word count : 1064

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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