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[Predictable? Yes. Will I ever stop? No. This is my roman empire and I will make it everyone else's problem!!!! /j honestly Izuru will just go through it, the 5 stages of grief lmaooo)

Izuru Kamukura, the student council president of the prestige Hopes Peak Academy; someone who's untouchable and shines as a beacon symbolizing the ideal student. But here he was in his room after school unable to shake this unknown emotion, he was distraught to say the least.

It wasn't like he was emotionless, he just lacked to express anything besides a calm demeanor. That usually steers students away from him, not like he minds as he was used to it; he was the same since childhood.

All was well, he didn't need anyone. Izuru was very capable, a genius some would say and that helped him come to such high status in school.

"No one would think that if they looked at you right now."

Junko Enoshima, a frienemy to Izuru who crashes into his house from time to time; most times involuntary on Izuru's part. She keeps him company with attempts on his life, all unsuccessful at this point. (Obviously)

Although Izuru would rather ignore these emotions, such things will hinder his process but something bothered him more, just why, why does it have to be the dumbest student in the school?

Nagito Komaeda is an idiot in Izuru's eyes, he's not one to believe in miracles but there isn't much to explain how Nagito got into Hopes Peak Academy let alone even becoming a student council member.

Must be a slip up from the higher ups, Izuru would never let a mistake like that happen but with a futile title as 'Student Council President' there isn't much he can do.

"Honestly I don't know why you're so worked up about it, I think this Nagito guy is a good match!"

"That imbecile? Absolutely not, although I don't plan to be in a relationship right now I would want my future wife to be as accomplished as me."

"More like husband!~"

Junko was enjoying the show, teasing Izuru was one something that brings her joy on par with despair. Seeing such despair on Izuru's face was almost too much but she loved it, if it meant to see that more then she would do everything to get Nagito to like Izuru back.

Of course she wouldn't tell Izuru that.

"If you're going to be like that you can leave, I don't need you here to rub salt on my wound."

"C'mon! What harm am I really doing? Just embrace that opposites attract!"

"It'll pass, or I'll personally get rid of it."

"As in kill him?"

"No? Of course not, I won't let him ruin my reputation and life."


"I'll make ways for us to never be compatible, he won't ever catch feelings and I'll soon forget about him."

Junko had to face away from Izuru to hide her ever so growing smirk, already she thought of plans on becoming Cupid.

"You're really going far and beyond, how bad is he? Sure he might not be the brightest but is that really it?"

"I've already set out my life from the beginning, every second I already thought of how it'll go. But with Komaeda everything goes wrong, he's an anomaly in my life that I need to get rid of."

"...Reallyyy sounds like a murder plot."

Izuru didn't want to bother with Junko so he headed to the bathroom for a shower, he really needs to clear his mind. But of course he couldn't when Junko was here, likely there was a trap to kill him the moment he steps in there.

It's going to be a long week.


It was early in the morning, Izuru was in the student council room organizing paperwork and preparing for today. As time passed fellow student council members came in greeting him, with him being president they all held him in high regard.

Once the clock hit 7 am they started their daily meeting, usually how the students were doing, any field trips or festivals, and concerns. Soon enough they started wrapping up the meeting when the door was pushed open, there stood a male whose hair was soaked and uniform in a mess.

"Sorry I'm late! A downpour suddenly happened on my way here!"

Izuru didn't see anything but a miserable puppy, how can he look like that but still have an annoying smile? And what's worse is that he finds it irritably cute.

"I see, the weather isn't adequate. Apologies Nevermind but that plan for an outdoor festival will be postponed until a later date."

"I understand, but Nagito! Here let me retrieve you a towel!"

Sonia Nevermind, a student council member that was the kindest to Nagito was quick to get and give a towel for him to dry his hair and uniform. Izuru could feel a headache coming from just looking at Nagito making his way to his seat, the farthest from his.

"Today's meeting has already ended, Komaeda. I'm sure either Nevermind or Pekoyama will give you the basis of it. That's all until the end of the day, everyone will continue to do their duties like always. Any questions come to me or my vice president Nanami."

Izuru was quick to leave the room, even after Nagito called out his name for whatever reason. Any second longer and his face will have the slightest shade of pink, he didn't know if Nagito forgetting his umbrella is a blessing or a curse.

In actuality Izuru knew rain would come, he knew it was likely Nagito would forget and get hit with it. He knew that he would come into the room all wet and miserable, Izuru foresaw it all but he still wasn't prepared.

He really needs to get rid of these feelings, his reputation will be in shambles if it ever got out. For now Izuru has to execute his plans to make Nagito either hate him or like someone else.

His scurrying could be seen on the cameras, where Junko has hacked to see them. Her laugh, high pitched and annoying while her hand rummaged through the empty popcorn bag.

"This will be so much fun!~ Hey! Mukuro! Go get me some more popcorn!"

Word count : 1055

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