It's Happening Again

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I'm confused.

I'm hella confused.

I don't know what's going on.

It's happening again.

My thoughts are overwhelming me.

They're taking over my head.

I'm constantly being controlled by them.

I'm constantly being moved around by them.

Someone, please help me.

Here, I am drowning again.

Wasn't I feeling better?

Weren't I getting better?

Why is it happening again?

Why am I like this again?

I don't get it.

I really don't.

All I can and am able to do is grasp my head in my hands,

In its hold and try to stop these voices from taking over my head.

I can't... I can't help it, I can't take it,

They're taking over my head,

It feels like it's too late.

Looks like they already did.

Too late to save me from drowning.

I drowned already.

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