☆Massacre Aftermath (pt. 23)☆

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(Carasein's pov)

It was weird to see Vrena like this, so fragile, her mascara still running in light dribbles down her cheeks and her eyeliner smudged.

When she grabbed that doorknob I knew it was life or death. This would either end with her running away or running inside.

The door slowly cracked open.

A dense scent of blood and sweat wafted out.

Vrena gasped.


She rushed in and the door slammed against the wall, rattling. I took a quiet peek inside. Both Locket and his partner were sitting on the couch, but I couldn't get a good look.

"Munai." Her voice was softer. That was Locket's partner, then.

"Wh-what the hell happened?" Vrena cried.
"Eh, well just bring the whole party in, then," Locket said.

Vrena tossed her head back, pushing back tears, I could tell.

"We don't have to come in," I murmured.
"I want you to," Locket replied.

I glanced at Maizie and she shrugged. I sighed and stepped inside, Maizie following close behind.

"Oh..." Munai whispered. The sound had come from him the second that his eyes had caught on Maizie.

Instinctively, I grabbed her hand. "She's fine, she's-" I looked back at her and the words died in my throat, already beginning to rot.

She gave me a saddened look and a small, reassuring smile. Then she went right back outside and closed the door behind her.

I wiped my palm on the side of my pants.

But I understood why Munai's reaction was the way it was. Maizie was a zombie, and a bunch of zombies had just raided their town and committed a massacre. That had to be pretty damn traumatizing, no matter if I said she was safe or not.

I sunk back into the corner.

Their gazes all swept back to each other.

I took the time to finally observe both Locket and Munai. Blood stained their clothes. Locket looked completely bedridden, his pants were torn and there was a nasty slash through his thigh. It looked like it had been wounded with silver, which gave vampires serious burns the second they touched it.

Munai's t-shirt was white just like his skin, which had gone so pale from not eating, I assumed. But there was a huge hole in the middle of it like he'd barely dodged a knife to the heart. Blood stained the area, and the shirt wasn't so white there.

I understood why they couldn't eat. They looked like they hadn't been able to get up since the zombies' massacre.

"-barely got out of here alive." I caught the end of Locket's sentence.

"Our place was the first one they got to. They dragged me across my own damn floor," Munai mumbled. His eyes darted everywhere but anyone's face, his stare eventually just locking on the floor.

My heart plummeted to my stomach because that's when I saw the blood covering the kitchen floor. It was wiped in long, wide streaks, showing signs of struggle.

"I thought they were going to kill me."

Locket turned his head to him and their eyes locked. I saw that passion between them just by the sudden spark that lit Munai up again.

"But they didn't," Locket whispered. "They didn't because I was there."

Munai softly nodded, his head bobbing as his eyes became glossy. Their hands interlocked.

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