☆Savior (pt.13)☆

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‼️TRIGGER WARNING: Alcohol use and intoxication, mentions of sexual harassment/assault‼️

(3rd person pov)

"Y-you did what?"

"I did what I had to," Vrena grumbled.

Locket sighed, "So...you- you fucked her?"

"No," Vrena said, sitting up straight. "She fucked me."

"Oh yes, that makes everything better," Locket mumbled, taking a sip of his drink and gazing at the wall from over the top of his glass.

He began again. "Explains the marks on your neck," he said innocently, sipping. It was true. She'd gained a few hickeys. The dark bruises stood out harshly against her light ivory skin. Vrena had chosen not to cover them.

Vrena gave a sly smile, "There's more on my thighs."

"Of course there is."
"Do you want to see?" she snickered.
His answer was only a teasing glare.

Vrena liked to catch up with him, his company was better than anything Maizie or Carasein could offer.

They'd gone to a different location because even though nothing could keep Vrena away from the buzzing vibe of bars and the loose feeling of alcohol, she still found herself constantly looking around more than usual after what had happened the last time.

Luckily, since the place wasn't as popular, there weren't as many people, although it seemed like more were entering by the second, and even some of the employees looked a bit shocked by the amount.

At the previous bar, it hadn't been the first time Vrena was sexually harassed. She was used to getting spat at with misogyny or the occasional drop of homophobia.

She yawned.

"Are you okay, girly?" Locket said, looking back at her. "You been sleeping all right?"

Vrena nodded, not saying a word.

If it was anybody else, they probably would've pried, but not Locket. He could read her, and he didn't try anything more.

"I'm just worried about you, is all. The things you get yourself into concern me," he finished.

She scoffed a laugh but only lazily waved down the bartender as Locket downed the rest of his glass of blood whiskey.

Vrena was waiting for the alcohol to hit. So she could let her thoughts run without being worried about her opinions on them. So she could be obnoxious and not care about others.

The truth was, Vrena hadn't been sleeping as much as she would have liked to have been.

Maybe she should've told Locket that. But he was ranting about his nonexistent sex life now, so she wouldn't interrupt him.

Locket didn't know where he stood with intimacy. But Munai was greysexual, so Locket respected their wishes. Munai teased him about it. It was all a very lighthearted topic.

Vrena instead sighed to herself and ordered a round of bloodied vodka shots.

Alcohol was tweaked in The Abandoned, where they lived. It was fixed so they could actually drink it. Straight alcohol was something they could consume without consequence, surprisingly enough, but blood or artificial bloody sweeteners were added to make it taste good.

After a while, she was definitely tipsy. The only thing was that she could barely keep her eyes open.

"Ooh, girly, you are not okay." Locket's face quickly took the form of a grimace. There was a small wobble in his legs as he stood. In Vrena's humble opinion, he was much more of a lightweight than her.

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