Chapter 20.

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♡George pov♡

I woke up on a hard cement floor. There were shackles on my hands and ankles. My whole body aches most likely from being on the floor. A door opened, and 2 tall men walked in. I glared at them.

"Let me go or I'll fucking kill you." I threatened.

"That's not any way to talk to your master, is it?" One of them asked.

"You're not my master you sick fuck. Let me go." I demanded.

Anger coarsed through my body. I sent one of the men flying backward against the cement wall. Suddenly, I heard a low buzzing noise. Pain shot through my body. I cried out, tugging on the shackles to no avail.

"Are you done being a bad boy, George?" He asked.

I noticed a remote in his hand.

"Fuck you." I replied.

He shrugged and turned it to a higher setting. I screamed in pain. The 2 men left the room, leaving the electrifying shackles on. I pulled hard on them, trying to get away.

"Fuck! Stop, please!" I cried out.

I felt my body shaking from the horrible pain. I collapsed against the ground, my body shaking on the floor.

"Please." I sobbed.

I didn't want to show them how weak I really was, but the pain is unbearable right now.

My vision began blacking out. I blinked, trying to force myself to stay awake. I felt my body give up on me, and I shut my eyes.

The pain is too much.

I felt myself slip into unconsciousness.

♡Clay pov♡

"Clay! Stop!"

Sapnap grabbed my hand, stopping me from hitting the wall. There were several holes in the wall. My hands were bleeding and covered in dust and wall particles. I collapsed to the ground, sobbing into my hands.

"Clay." Sap mumbled.

He pulled me into a hug. I clung onto him tightly, burying my face in his shoulder.

"He's in pain. I can feel it." I sobbed.

He softly shushed me.

"We're gonna find him, okay?" Sap asked.

I shrugged. I felt Karl's hand on my back as well.

I need to concentrate. I need to see George.

I focused on George, trying to find him. Karl and Sap stayed quiet as they most likely realized what I was trying to do. I began to see a vision.

Yes. That means he's still alive.

The vision became clear. George was curled up in the corner of the room still in his work clothes. He was shaking awfully bad. He had shackles on his wrists and ankle. I could see burns and bruising around them. He was crying. He leaned his head onto his knees, sobbing loudly.

My pretty boy. What the hell did they do to you?

A door opened, and George glared at someone. 2 men came towards him.

"Are you gonna be good?"

"Let me go you fucking asshole." George spat angrily.

"Fine, bitch. Suffer more then. We'll be back later."

Suddenly, George screamed out in pain. The 3 men left. George cried and tugged on the shackles. His body was shaking.

"Stop! Stop, please!" He sobbed out.

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