Chapter 2.

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♡Clay pov♡

George was really shaken up after the whole thing with his ex. I didn't blame him, though.

"Where did you go last night? You smell like perfume." He mumbled into my chest.

We were currently on the couch watching TV. He was in my lap with his head on my chest.

"Just out drinking with Sap." I replied.

He nodded. He sighed and cuddled against me more.

His scent is getting overwhelming again.

I glanced down at his neck.

Come on. Get your shit together. Stop.

I couldn't help but breathe the smell in.

I don't know how much longer I can do this. It's so overwhelming. I can't do that to him, but it's so difficult fighting my urges.

There was a knock on the door, making George jump a bit.

"Do you think he's back?" George asked.

"No, there's no way." I replied.

George moved off my lap. I stood and went to the door. I opened it. Sapnap and Karl stood there.

"Oh, hey guys. You can come in." I said, inviting the 2 inside.

They came in. George and Karl smiled at the sight of each other. Karl ran over and practically jumped on George. They both laughed, hugging each other tightly.

"I missed you!" Karl exclaimed.

"I missed you too, Karl." George giggled.

Sap and I went to go sit on the couch.

"So, what's new with you guys?" I asked.

"Not much, honestly. Karl got a new job." Sap said.

"You did?" George asked.

Karl nodded.

Karl and George used to work at a shitty bar together until Karl finally quit. Their boss was rude and abusive. He hit Karl, and that was what pushed him to quit. George hasn't been hurt physically from what I know of. We've all tried to get him to quit, but he refuses. He's scared he won't be able to find another job.

"I work at a nightclub now." Karl admitted.

"A stripper?" George asked.

"No, oh my god, George. I'm a bartender with Sap." He told us.

"Oh my god. So, I get to see both of you when I come get wasted?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded.

"They've already banned us from touching each other." Sap pouted.

"Yeah, because you can't keep your damn hands to yourself. I swear to god every single time I turned my back, my ass was being grabbed." Karl said.

"Okay, my bad." Sap replied, rolling his eyes.

"George, we can talk to our boss and see if he can get you a job with us. He's really great. He's so nice. I promise you'll love it." Karl said.

"Okay." George agreed.

Karl cheered and hugged him.

"Fucking finally. I'd be so happy to get you out of that shit hole. I actually look forward to going to work instead of dreading it." Karl stated.

"That sounds nice." George replied.

I smiled.

I'm so happy he's gonna leave that place. He comes home crying after every shift. It's horrible.

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