Chapter 4: Downright Embarrassment

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After his most embarrassing encounter yesterday, he decided he would never give up. As it was day four, he had to think out of the box, very smartly. Oh!! Two tickets to go to the movies!! What a brilliant idea, if he thought so himself!

Walking to the theater, he skipped with glee, thinking of all the possible reactions.

She could cry and weep and fall to his feet will admiration at his persistence. Or perhaps, she would sigh with love and kiss him! That brought sweet shivers down his body. Or maybe, just maybe, she'd faint in delight and he would have to catch her, being her hero and all.

The theater doors were just opening when he stepped in. Walking to the counter, he decided upon his next quote. Another one from A Midsummers Night Dream.

"Mine ear is much enamored of thy note. So is mine eye enthralled to thy shape. On the first view to say, to swear, I love thee."

He decided not to sign it this time. Maybe she wouldn't know who it was from... but that was bad right?

He shrugged and smiled at the lady who was selling tickets. "Hello mam! I'll take two." She nodded and ripped two off the roll. "That will be fourteen dollars. Not really caring about the price, he handed her a 10 and a 5 in US dollars. Grinning from ear to ear, he headed out to the library.

Upon reaching the library, he planned a different route. Pulling up the ladder, he climbed to the roof. Removing a couple of shingles, he drilled into the roof board. Jumping into the roof, he drilled another hole into the attic roof. "Oops.."

Of course,.. the one spot he drilled was right above her head. She glanced up, then did a double take. "Mr. Johnson! Why did you cut a hole in my roof!? My LIBRARY roof! You will be paying this time." She marched straight to the phone and called the police.

"Hello. Yes. Sure. Fine. Ok. Understood. Agreed. Ok, bye." She slammed the phone down and tapped her foot on the floor in annoyance. "Go ahead Mr. Johnson. Give me the gift for the day."

Clyde gave a sheepish grin as he dropped the envelope from the roof. She caught it, read it, opened it, and then grimaced.

"Really Mr. Johnson? Round hay Garden Scene? That is the oldest movie on earth! It's black and white and so glitchy you can barely see it. Your gifts are just plain embarrassing."

Once again, Clyde whimpered and hurried his head in his knees. How would he ever win her heart?

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