Chapter 2: A Midsummers Night Dream

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The next day, Clyde dusted his hands off and set out in determination once again. Today, he would be subtle, rather than brazen. He had already stopped by the flower shop and picked up a bouquet of roses. When the florist asked if he wanted a note on them, he decided upon:

"My dearest,
Thou art wise as thou art beautiful.
- Shakespeare, Midsummer Nights Dream
Your secret admirer!"

He thought that was fitting! He would put them in the counter when she wasn't looking, then sneak out. With the bouquet in hand, he GENTLY opened the door this time and tiptoed in. She was looking at the computer so he got on hands and knees and crawled to the desk. Sitting upright beside the counter, he stuck his hand in the air, straight up with the bouquet.

Only problem was, he shot his hand up so fast, it scared the living daylights out of her.
"Ahhhhh!!" She screamed and jumped out of her chair, smashing the roses with a book she had in hand. "Oh! Roses." She gently grabbed the roses and began trying to fix them, not even realizing a hand had been holding them up. Clyde got back on his hands and crawled back to the door, hearing her read the quote allowed. Looking back for the last time, she saw her blush and then frown.

Next thing he knew, she threw them to the floor and started stomping on them. Not unlike a toddler who hadn't got his way. Up, down, up, down. She smashed them into dust.

"Maybe that will teach that wretched man to leave me alone!" Then she turned on her heal and walked to her desk.

Clyde whimpered silently and left the building, wiping tears from his eyes. Why did she not like him so much?

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