Chapter -16

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Justus rode his horse at full speed, and before long they reached home.

Descending from the saddle he also helped down his sister before passing on the reins to a servant. During the entire process he never once looked at Julia, which only pressed on her guilt.

Without a word Justus was already at the entrance leaving the little thing trotting behind her brother's shadow.

As soon as the servants caught sight of them, word instantly reached the Duchess, to which she came running and enveloped dear Julia in a bear-crushing hug.

Her worry-filled eyes spoke for her wordless concerns of a mother. She showered her baby with kisses and caressed her endlessly while Julia, despite all the clamor had her eyes fixed solely on her brother's stony figure at the end of the crowd.


There was a very uncomfortable tightening inside his chest. Anger and guilt intermingled.

He was aware that the reason behind his discomfort and anger was mainly because of the prince's impulsiveness, but more than anger,  he was experiencing guilt.

'That's funny.' thought Justus.

Thinking about it, he had no reason to be guilty. Damn. Why was he even wasting time mulling over something that wasn't his fault in the first place?

'I might be too free lately to let these unnecessary thoughts bother me.'

It was shameful enough to let people witness him getting scolded. No one in their right mind would be able to keep a straight face and act like nothing happened, much less Jean who already felt conscious since the day he landed in this world.

After returning to his tent, Jean had Darrion look after everything and ordered their return to the manor. Throughout the journey he stayed cooped up inside the carriage, even forcing Emile to ride a horse with the other bodyguards.

He seriously didn't think that today's excursion will turn like this. It was because he was being delusional and concluded that maybe, since the male leads stayed passive in their attitude towards him that they had forgotten about their humiliation.

'How can I  overlook such a basic plot-point?'

The tenderness and care of the leads' were solely reserved for the Main Protagonist, while their peers and families deserved their Cordiality and kindliness.

Is there never gonna be a place for a character like him in that Picture? Does he really need to... die

The excursion team returned shortly without much delay.

Obviously no one stood there to welcome them in, and Jean wasn't in the mood to care about formalities.

He made straight for his room without looking back with Darrion on his trail, who shut the door with a *slam cutting off the world outside.

Inside his chamber, Jean flopped himself down on the bed, face down. He refused to move from this position no matter how Darrion persuaded him to change before resting.

After a few minutes have passed and Jean sensed no further movement on Darrion's side.

Curious, when he turned his head to take a peek what came into his vision was a round green thingy held delicately at fingertips.

The owner of the hand was persistent and refused to back down, so Jean had to allow him to stuff it into his mouth. The taste was refreshing and sweet improving a bit of his grief.

Jean was astonished by the depth of Darrion's devotion towards him, 'Jason' at every point of time.

His care never failed to ease him up.

*thunk *thunk

The light sound attracted both their attention.


The source being the windows panels, Darrion moved to check through the glass and surprisingly reported back that it was none other than lillte Julia.

Springing up from his position Jean immediately ordered for him to open the window while Darrion went forward to lend the Lady a hand. Then he saw Julia being pulled upward from below the balcony by her arms.

Jean felt very confused as to how the girl even got there.

He would have solved this mystery if he wasn't suddenly hugged by someone.

"Miss, this-  

He heard the troubled voice of his attendent and  then saw him trying to think of a way to help his master before lowering his eyes to see the person embracing him.

"What are you doing here at this time of the night? Hm?" chastising her slightly Jean slowly lowered the arms clinging to his neck though remained stubborn before ultimately giving in.

"I got worried." Julia replied in a tone similar to that of a mosquito.

When Jean looked carefully he saw her aggrieved face with pouting lips and teary eyes with a sniffing nose.

Truly, this was no different from any ordinary person feeling sad but on Julia he found these expression so endearing that it made him want a little sister too and ended up embracing her tightly.

"How can you be so cute!"

' If I am to ask the Emperor for a sister how am I going to bring this forward, (Father Emperor, give me a sister ░⁍̴̀⺫⁍̴́░ ?)'

He can already imagine his reputation going down into the sewage.


Jean was brought down to (whatever the name of this planet was) by Darrion's signal.


"I am perfectly fine.See?" Gently patting on her head Jean put on a big smile to convince Julia.

Little Julia stared at him for a moment before mumbling out a, "If you say so."

She was completely aware of how harsh her brother could be at times. He became overly protective when it came to her and their family. But since her big brother is already married to this person he ought to do the same for the prince.

Their were countless rumours flying around the place and she is not sure which one to believe. But after getting to know the fourth prince in person, she believed those speculations to be baseless chatter.

Just now, looking at the big smile on his highness' face she does not believe that he is not hurt. Juli is convinced that he is doing so in order to reassure her.

The intensity of Julia's stare made Jean kind of anxious that she will find out of the truth and do something rash. So he called out to Darrion and succeeded in distracting her attention.

"Here. You see this thing?" he held a candy towards her and continued, "This is called a magical candy. It is very rare and hard to get your hands on. If you consume this candy all your sadness will instantly vanish."

He observed Julia's expressions and seeing her looking at the candy with doubtful eyes he was sure she wasn't convinced but proceeded nevertheless, "Just try it out."

He looked as he saw her slowly take the candy and put it in her mouth but immediately scrunch up (>ლ§)

"W-what's wrong?" It is unbearable to see such a cute face become disoriented to such degree.

Darrion made haste to pour her a glass of water as both master-servant waited for her reply.

" It's sour!"


And so, the silence of the evening was shattered by the deafening howl of laughters.

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