Chapter -15

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Chapter - 15

Justus happened to be out on an errand right after they arrived the Dukedom which made him miss all the happenings during his absence including the prince's sudden whim to enjoy scenery.

Dismounting from his horse he immediately made haste towards the manor, only to be stunned by the heavy mood permeating throughout the mansion.

Worried he randomly grabbed hold of a servant and enquired, " What's the meaning of this? Where is everyone ?"

This being the first for the poor servant facing a noble made him cower but still he managed to utter a reply: " uh-um...the prince is out at the moment- he took a carriage wit-

" Just spit out, why is everyone so tense right now. Surely a mere outing of a royal won't can not be the cause of such a stir. " Justus was in no mood to hear these senseless ramblings, the whispered mumbles among the attendants had already done enough to alert him.

Being scolded by the Young master did not help with the shaking lad. His stern expression sacred the wits out of the boy : " The prince t-took the Miss wi-with him. I saw the young miss boarding the carriage with the prince, I I don't know anything else! "

Realising his grasp on the servant Justus walked to his mother's chambers. His sister was an overly pampered lass but everyone knew how protective the Duke and the Duchchess were when it came to her. Therefore, regarding details of today's matter Justus could only rely on his mother.

Not long after a single horse galloped at a thundering speed out of the manor gates leaving behind a storm of dust.


Jean was very satisfied with today's trip. They did all sort of activities from fishing, sunbathing, boating which was akin to letting hell breaking lose.

Emile was utterly speechless while looking at the two drenched figures dripping water from head to toe then glanced down at himself. During the first half of the excursion he was mercifully left alone to his own musings but unfortunately, got dragged along with the chaotic pair. As of now he too was soaked in water.

Julia was chattering about how amazing it was to be able to enjoy like this. She was a hyper active child is what Jean concluded. In modern era she would have made a bunch of friends with her bright personality. He was worried at first about how to get the child to relax but a few minutes of coaxing and words immediately revealed the girl as a energy monster.

What surprised Jean the most was that Julia turned out to be a girl. In his original draft her character was male named 'Julius', the second child of the Duke Martin.

' Is this supposed to be a plot hole? ' Jean suspected that maybe because his novel was still not published and in need of editing such bugs occurred. Anyways, whatever the reason was he didn't get to dwell on this matter since the next moment they heard the charging rush of horse hooves from a distance.

Everyone stopped with their tasks for a moment curious to see who the guest was. Jean too could make out a blurry figure of a person which, as he drew nearer turned out to be the young lord, Justus.

Without a word he came down from his horse and strode towards Julia who was still soaked like a kitten. Justus, though gently dragged her aside by her thin wrist and ordered a nearby maid to help her change.

These flow of actions happened in just a few seconds and so smoothly that Jean stood blankly in one place without moving. Seeing the young man turn to face him, Jean at last reacted.

Nothing could explain how furious Justus was at this time. No matter who the opponent was he would never allow anyone to involve his beloved sister in their schemes. He could never allow any harm befall her but when he arrived the scene in front of him almost drove him crazy to even disregard royal etiquette. He was in the presence of a prince and as per protocol was bound to greet him first before stating his reason of interruption.

In his rage he could care less who was standing before him and demanded:

" Explain! "

Justus's single word filled with rage even scared Jean no less than the servants into cold sweat.

Already feeling guilty with the recent series of actions Jean found it harder to speak. It would have been better if he transmigrated before the marriage had took place but his rotten luck had brought him here when the protagonists were already filled with grievances towards him. Even if he tried to apply for a divorce it would have lead to worse outcomes so he dare not take action and only resort to softer tactics to get close to the leads. It seems he had somehow touched this venerable's reverse scale today.

Not getting any answer Justus's blue orbs of eyes turned colder by each passing second resembling the sharp edge of a sword ready to cut through in one a single swoop.

"So? "

Taking a deep breath Jean finally met his cold glare and tried to calmly appease Justus' anger first: " We were just out on a trip young lord. Although it was my fault for not informing you I simply mean no harm. I am sorry for dragging along the young lady to accompany me. "

Precisely at this moment Emile, who had already changed into a clean set of clothes and Julia who returned fresh and dry stumbled upon this scene.

Hearing another apology directly from the prince's lips for the second time like it was no big deal Emile started having mixed feelings. From the corner of his eyes he glanced at his highness who was usually arrogant and haughty lowering his head, no different from a child being scolded. He also didn't miss the curled fingers clenching at both sides of the prince's pants.

" Do you think I am here for your cheap apology?! "

No one was sure what made the prince consort to flare up and they didn't dare step up. Justus, angered to the point of vomiting blood let go of any decorum and sharply pointed his fingers at Jean and stated:

" I don't care whatever you do privately or what dirty tactics you use to blackmail people but let me make one thing clear your highness, if you dare to involve my dear ones in your vicious web I will not tolerate and sit mum! Your animosity is with me so please spare the innocents, I pray your Highness."

Perhaps Justus finally realised the weight of his words and maybe also because the prince remained silent throughout the exchange he regained his former manners; he made a formal bow towards the recipient.

A suffocating sensation engulfed Jean's insides making his breathing unbearable. He felt as though numerous pairs of hands were choking his throat making it hard for him to breath let alone speak.

No one has ever directed such harsh words at him before, may it be in his previous world or after waking up here. So he was unable to decide how to react.

He just quietly watched as Justus gently helped Justus onto the horse's back before he sat himself behind her.

Not a word was spoken as they watched the retreating silhouette which went just the same as he came.

Jean could vaguely see as Julia turned to look at him before turning her head.

Low murmurs slowly filled the silence. Some filled with pity, some mocking laced in snickerings. It felt like the world was out to get him and tear apart his whole chaining him and pulling him towards an unchangeable fate.

-ess... hgne- Your highness!" A sudden pat on his shoulder jolted him out of his trance. He looked at his personal attendant's distressed face before nodding, upon which Darrion gently put a towel on his shoulders to keep off the cold. Looking at the ashen face of his master Darrion was at a loss to find words of comfort. He simply led the prince towards the tent to tend to him.

Occupied by his thoughts Jean came across the bystander second lead, Emile. About the commotion, he felt his energy drowned and the excitement for further enjoyment extinguished. So when their gazes met Jean could only offer a simple nod as acknowledgement before vanishing inside his tent.


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