Chapter 6--"Why, You Should've Known."

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I counted my fingers, while IOBIO laid lazily eating his cereal of rocks.

IOTBI was already asleep.

Perhaps a recap before I fall into slumber?

The following days were as such:

IOTBI has taught me something that has me fiddling with my fingers to express myself.

IOTBI woke me up with the stinky scent of mashed pink-coloured corals right up my nostrils.

"Wake up, kiddo. I'm going to help you. No backing out. You need it a lot," IOTBI demanded, his arms crossed again after I grasped the plate with a scrunched nose.

I rubbed my sore eyes, and sat upright as he demonstrated his act.

He raised one hand on his forehead, very close to his ear and moved it outwards and away from his body. Like a wave of sorts.

I titled my head, but tried to follow nonetheless.

"It means 'hello' ,got it?"

I nodded happily.

"Never forget it."

I nodded again, and repeated the same cycle for the whole day.

IOBIO and IOTBI helped me hunt.

"So, you first use your claws and grasp the gills of the fishy, it won't permit it to breathe then!" IOBIO snatched a salmon that was passing by,and held it to his face, proudly presenting me his catch.

"IOBTI! Brother! I did it! I managed to assist the little one, as you asked me to, are you happy?"

IOTBI snapped out of his faraway gazing, and turned with a grin.

"Yeah. Good job. I'm proud of you both," he laughed.

He laughed, he let out a genuine chuckle.

What a miracle his brother can do…to make IOTBI, a character with such distant character, his attention often away from reality, to feel happiness too!

It feels so warm being with them!

IOTBI has a very hidden talent, similar to IOBIO's fascination with conches.

"What do you mean," IOTBI raised his eyebrows, "that I never told you I knew how to blow into the sea trinkets my brother has?"

I shook my head, mouth wide open as he picked a conch up.

It was the same teal conch I found before in the sand, before being stolem away from me by IOTBI from its striking appearance.

He breathed in very deeply, his pale skin going slightly red from the air, before blowing into the opening of the shell skillfully. A tune, most majestic and rare, was gifted to my little ears. His tentacles flowed peacefully against the currents of water, his teal locks shining brightly under the reflection of the great sun above us.

Only now did I realise, the conch matches his greyish-teal coloured hair a lot.

And the golden rings on the shell, his passion and kindness towards his talents...

...and to me and his brother

My list ends here, I thought, smiling widely to myself.

Time to plop down on a plush bed, and sleep. Or dream. No nightmares. Hopefully.


What a stretch! Another good, happy day awaits!

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