Chapter 4--"Unspoken Memories"

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A silent scream jumped out of my throat, I jumped out of the uncomfortable seat, held my head. This really wasn't under my control anymore...Memories filled my head in just seconds.

Where was I? This wasn't the room I was in a while ago? Where's that lady? My head is spinning round and round. My body is shaking and shivering, and it felt so cold..Is this what Winter feels like? I hope it's never going to be Winter then! I stared at my palm, what was this? My hand was filled with all sorts of abstract colours, almost like those error screens you see with colourful shades that never make sense in the first place.

I screamed again, but nothing but air and bubbles came out. One word appeared in my head, and repeated non-stop.


What even is "home"? I live in water. In this place. These waters. This place. This-

"Silence. Do you even know who you are?"

Where did that voice come from?!

"Whatever, I won't be here long anyways."


"Why are you always so clueless? It's getting somewhat annoying."




"Are you going to stay quiet now?! Huh, expected from someone like you, tsk."

"Why would you bring me here? I was doing just fine!" I said to myself, assuming whoever it was on the other side could hear me.

"One will not reveal to you the secrets that lie underneath this place. However, I may tell you what you need to do."




"Stay silent as you wish. But for now, follow my voice."


"Why do I need to leave, I love the place I'm in now!" I grew agitated, can anyone explain to me what even is happening without speaking in some weird riddle?!

"I would love to tell you all I know, all I experienced, all I think of. But time is the problem. Until next time, 0015."


(You began to gain your sight after a while being in a colourless, full-of-nothing room. You see clearly your surroundings.)

(A great large mocha-brown brick house stands before your webbed-feet. Its large, very large, you can't even describe it.)

Is this— Woah.. this is what humans call..."house"! Yes! "House"! You're right this time for sure, since you heard it from a man near the room where you spoke to the lady. But what's it doing here? No, wait! What are you doing here?

After asking thousands of meaningless questions, you thought about exploring to pass the time, as you gradually got bored of staring at brown tree roots and leafy grass stems.

You knocked on the brick, a sort of tough sand this is, it's practically impossible to break! Unlike water, it was so much denser! This is so different from that see-through thing called glass! What a rough surface, and such fascinating dents it has, you slide your fingers over the uneven surface, fascinated by it.

You had to test its toughness, for no special reason. After hitting the brick, you felt your knuckles hurting, so you stopped examining this hard material. Your hands grew stiff, and you longed to jump back into the water. In this way, your hands would soften because of the liquid. You turned left slowly, hoping to see a river, as you would if you were back in...where did I used to live again?...

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