the black dog

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I grasp at straws, defenseless against the ravenous wolf
Petrified and despondent, incarcerated in this cell I've made.
The guards are oblivious to the thunderous silence of my fears
A perfect refuge was put up, but it's on the brink of collapse

Heaving and panting, I tried to catch my breath
The silent screams are beginning to be audible to hear
Salt streams are gushing from my eyes and to my cheeks
The canyons of my face hold the scars of my fears

Cacophony of huffs and puffs cutting like a knife
Bracing for impact, I held on for dear life
Gales of wind coming from the canine
To my surprise, my defenses are down, but certainly, I'm fine

The wolf was a black dog lending a hand
I'm trapped, and it is worried I might meet my end
The terror is nothing but a figment of my imagination
My inhibitions are severe, but they are just my perception

The self-inflicted distress was brought to light
Golden rays eminating from the ruins of the fight
In my despair, I do declare that a lesson was learned
My walls are down all around, but solace was earned

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