Vidmar - Wanted Company

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Vidmar awoke with his face bouncing off someone's back. His world was a hazy blur as he tried to open his eyes. The last thing Vidmar remembered was Tycar grabbing a candle – the flame slowly cauterizing his wounds. Now, his entire body ached as he bounced up and down on his captor's shoulder. He tasted blood.

Waves crashed in the distance; the salty sea air grew thicker as they moved. Through the darkness, he could see sand. The big man left large, wet footprints. Where are they taking me? His fingers itched horribly. It felt like he still had all ten. He wiggled them around, assessing the damage. A dull ache evolved into excruciating pain as he moved the remnants of his right middle finger. He tried to remain silent, but the pain was immense; a cow-like groan escaped. Suddenly, the man carrying him stopped and set him down with his back against a rock. Vidmar blinked, trying to clear the fog from his dry eyes. Two shapes stood before him, one small, the other enormous. Tycar and Alcin. Where's Vatis?

The gigantic shape spoke first. "Vidmar, thank the gods," he said, kneeling in the sand. That wasn't Tycar's voice.

Vidmar tried to rub his eyes, but pain coursed through his hand as he put pressure on his missing fingers. "Fuck," he said, shaking his hand, hoping the pain would fall away like drops of water. "Kamet? Is that you," he grimaced.

"Yes, Vidmar, it's me. I'm sorry we don't have time to talk. We need to move. I'm sure they are looking for us by now. Can you walk, or do you want me to carry you?"

"I still have my legs. Don't I?" Vidmar looked down, genuinely curious about the status of his legs. He was relieved to find them mostly intact. He tried to stand but collapsed. He lost too much blood; he could hardly keep his eyes open.

"Come on," Kamet said, throwing him over his shoulder as gently as the maneuver allowed.

Kamet took off like a hound after a fox. Vidmar watched the receding tide erase their footprints and fell into a deep, uncomfortable sleep.

Vidmar rolled, face first, into something wet and coarse. The saltwater stung his parched mouth. He tried to move his fingers, but his hands were now neatly bandaged with blue fabric. He raised himself onto his knees, careful not to use his hands. Kamet slept a few paces to his left, snoring louder than the usually relaxing hush of encroaching waves. They were in a cave, or cavern, or hole, someplace damp and dark. Strange green, yellow, and orange plants clung to the walls. A crab scurried past his feet. He saw a familiar-looking pack on the ground next to Kamet. Vatis. He turned, searching for signs of the bard.

Vidmar found him watching the tide roll in at the mouth of the cave. He grimaced as he stood and approached Vatis, who swayed back and forth, clinging his knees to his chest. Vidmar tried to sit next to him, but he found it challenging to sit on the ground gracefully when his whole body ached, and he didn't want to use his hands. He plopped down and fell backward. Covered in sand, he finally rolled himself into a seated position with Vatis's help. He felt like a child learning to walk; any sudden change in direction meant he would topple over.

"Is this your work?" Vidmar said, extending his arms.

"The bandages?" Vatis said. He frowned and turned away. "Yes. I cleaned the wounds with the seawater and wrapped them with my blanket." He avoided eye contact.

"Thank you," Vidmar said. There was a long silence. Vidmar weighed his words carefully. The water now extended to his shins and toes crossed in front of him. "Tide's coming in."

The bard nodded.

"Vatis," Vidmar began. He took a deep breath. The cool sea vapors revealed growing pressure in his sinuses. "There's something I need to tell you."

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