Vatis - Haran

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Vatis's head pounded. Imaginary painful knives stabbed his entire body as he packed dried meat into his bag and pulled out his purse.

"Here," he said, wincing as he offered the pouch to Hobb. "For the supplies. It's the least I can do."

Hobb pushed Vatis's hand away and shook his head. The farmer had been extra short with Vatis since he woke, his bushy eyebrows constantly furrowed like he was attempting to read Vatis's mind. There's something in that tower. He wants to know if I found it. What are you hiding?

Vatis placed the purse back in his bag. He watched Vidmar hide and sheath at least seven knives in his pants, shirt, jacket, and boots. The treasure hunter reached into his boot; his fingers scrambled up his leg and onto his hips. He searched the ground, ran inside, cursed, and ran back onto the porch.

"Has anyone seen a finger-length, green-handled blade? It has a sapphire in the hilt," he asked, turning his head rapidly as if the speed of this movement would somehow make the knife appear.

"Oh, yes. I'll get it," Taldor said, jumping to his feet. "You dropped outside the barn before the wolves attacked."

"Thank you, Taldor," Vidmar said. "Wait," he yelled as the boy ran toward the barn. He scratched the stubble on his chin. "You keep it. I've had that blade since I was your age; use it to whittle, filet fish, or practice throwing. It's a good blade and a trustworthy companion. It should be in," he paused. "Less practiced hands. If it's alright with you, Hobb?"

Hobb looked at Taldor. The boy grinned ear to ear, his child-like eyes pleading their case. The old man huffed once, then nodded.

"Thank you, thank you," Taldor said, running at Vidmar and wrapping him in a hug. "Do you have to leave so soon?"

Vidmar turned to face Vatis. "I need to get to Haran. We've been delayed enough already."

"Surely your wounds could use more time to heal," Taldor pleaded.

Vidmar looked down as if searching the dirt for an answer. Vatis interjected. "If we are going to reach Yimser in time for the tourney, we need to leave. Haran is just the first stop on the way. We can recover as we walk," Vatis slung his bag over his shoulder and tried his best to satisfy the boy's curiosity.

"You're going to try the tourney?" Taldor said, springing forward within inches of Vatis. The boy did not embrace him as he did Vidmar. Instead, he stopped short, keeping a little distance between them.

The distraction worked. "I believe so. If we can get there in time," Vatis said, winking at the boy and taking a step backward.

"Well, then, you better hurry," Taldor said, entirely wrapped up in the tourney idea. Hobb still studied Vatis with the scrutiny of a master fletcher stringing a bow.

"Hobb, Taldor," Vidmar said, tussling the boy's hair. "Thank you for everything. I hope our paths cross again someday."

"May your feet find the road," Taldor said, sniffling.

"And yours," Vatis said.

"Stay on the road," Hobb added.

"We will," Vidmar said, nodding at Hobb. Vidmar and the farmer seemed to have bonded when Vatis was unconscious. Vatis's stomach flipped over. What did you say about me?

"If you run into Evanor on the road, tell him to hurry home. He looks like me, except taller," Taldor laughed.

Vidmar smiled. "Ready when you are, Vatis."

"Onward," he said, waving his bandaged hand. The ominous tower to the west still whispered his name. Vatis, Vatis. It called as he took heavy northward steps.

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