The Next Task

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Out of all the things one could expect as a reaction from a dance like this, what he did was definitely not it.

I felt so sleepy, like someone had put me under a spell. And then I collapsed onto him, falling into a deep slumber.


I caught her as she fell. I could never have thought she knew a skill like that.

I looked at her sleeping figure resting on me while I sat on the chair. She snoozed softly, like a little kitten, but then I felt annoyed

Where did she learn such a dance from?! Why would she know something like this!?! Was she forced to learn or did she learn it for someone?

The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. A frown appeared on my face, that simply got deeper the more I focused on the issue.

Something so vulgar, how?! How does she know something so explicit!??

Who did she do it for before?!?!? Is there someone I need to kill?

My blood boiled as the intense feeling wanting to covet increased in me. I balled in fists in an attempt to not let my anger consume me.

I'll get it out of her.

And then I'll burn whoever it is to ashes, to dust, till there's nothing left.



My eyes fluttered open.


I was lying on my bed, there was no light turned on in the room yet the room was nicely lit. Turning my face around, I noticed that there was an abundant amount of moonlight coming in, which illuminated the room

I was still sleepy and I wanted to go back to sleep when I noticed the sounds

Someone was talking


I couldn't make out what was being said, so I pulled myself up and sat down. But, I still couldn't hear clearly. I turned my body around and up from the bed.

My body was wobbly. As soon as I stood up I felt like I would fall but I somehow managed not to, and made it to the door.

I opened it as quietly as I could and stuck my head out.

"Did you tell her I'm here?" Hael was standing in the lounge, at a blind spot from where I couldn't see properly but I didn't move from the door frame and remained there.

"No," Helena replied to him as her gaze dropped, "Not yet,"

What are they talking about? My brain was foggy. I couldn't think straight but I wanted to listen.

"Good, don't tell her either." Hael replied.

"Why don't you stay a little longer?" The Queen said, "Things are different than back then?"

Hael scoffed, "We both know that's not true," He shook his head at her, "I'm not staying here for another second more than necessary." His voice carried a sense of sadness, "And don't even think about bringing that woman in front of me."

That woman?

Is he talking about his mother.

"She's going to find out sooner than later." Helena said, "She usually doesn't leave her quarters much but the word will reach her eventually."

"Then have everything prepared, we'll go through the process early in the morning." He looked away, "And then we'll leave," His gaze dropped, "Before she finds out."

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