Something is weird about the kid

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I panicked as soon as I heard his words.

How come he knows that?!?! Nobody here knows that!!

"How do you know that?" I felt like I was being exposed and a sense of doom came over me.

The kid stared at me, "You really don't know?" He scoffed, it looked like he was making fun of me.

"How do you know!?" I slightly raised my voice which I knew immediately was wrong. The realization made me slap my hands on my mouth, "Sorry," I whispered and then glanced around. Luckily, no one had noticed.

He sipped more of his juice while he rolled his eyes, "Your roots are showing,"


I paused, then felt embarrassed.

"Oh!" I placed both my hands on my hair, "Oh, is that so?"

"Mmmhmm," He was unimpressed.

"Boss," Cory peeked at me from inside the kitchen, "Your hair is not naturally brown?"

"Well," I had been caught and if my roots really are showing, I can't lie about it, "Yes," Cory was surprised at my answer.

"I think black suits you more," The boy said, "Why dye it?" He stared at my hair, "The color looks so ugly on you."


"Hey!" Cory walked over, "That's a very rude thing to say!" She stood by the stool the kid was on.

The kid ignored her and continued to drink his juice.

"It's alright Cory," I tapped her shoulder, "Kids are mean."

"Kids shouldn't be mean!" Cory wasn't having it, "Hey," She looked at the boy, "Where are your parents? Did they not teach you any manners?"

The boy put the empty juice glass down on the counter and looked at Cory rather calmly, "I don't have any,"


Cory's mouth flew open, then she bit her lower lip in shame. I had a pretty similar reaction.

"Oh! I'm so sorry," Cory apologized, "I'm sorry, Kiddo," She crouched down, "I didn't mean to yell at you."

The kid didn't seem affected though. It didn't look like he cared about it at all.

"Okay," He replied and looked back at me.


Shouldn't one say something like, 'It's alright?'

Well, I guess these are the things parents teach... And he doesn't have any

"Would you like anything else?" I asked him, "It's on the house,"

He smiled, "I'm not poor,"


"I-I didn't mean it like that." I said, "I just said it out of kindness,"

"Kindness?" He raised his brow at me, "Because I'm an orphan?"

"I-" I felt guilty. I did offer because I felt bad for him.

"It's fine," He hopped off the stool, "I'm leaving anyway." And started walking away

"Hey... I didn't mean anything bad." I got out of the counter and followed him for a few steps. He paused and looked back at me. No, he looked at my foot and I stopped.

Is he weirded out by the way I'm walking? Generally kids are and they make fun of me. But the kid didn't say anything, he just turned his head around and began walking again.

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