^^ evening star ^^

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My dear evening star
Watching through the window
Blazing from afar
With her face all aglow
She dances through the night
Wrapped inside her clouds
It's a wondrous sight
That I could witness without doubt

I could lay there for hours and hours
Out there in my garden of flowers
To watch her until
Time would stand so still
And I'll wait for you from afar
Remembering you as I watch this city of stars

The moon sits so high above
Her skin is just like ice
Dazzling white like a dove
This all just feels so very nice
And my dear evening star
Oh, she still remains nearby
Smiling from afar
Bathed in all her evening light

And I wish you were here with me
To complete this memory
The beauty of the night
It is nothing in front of your face so bright
I will stay right here
In this garden of flowers
Until you finally appear
To lay with me for hours and hours
Watching that city of stars
As time stops for a moment longer
And the universe becomes all ours

Dear, I miss your hair so dark as this night
And your eyes, silver and bright
Just like my beloved evening star
I'll remain waiting from afar
Until you come soon with those beautiful scars
I can't wait to see your smile so divine
Just come back to me
Just be mine
And make a reality
All from my reveries
All from my memories

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