made for him, february. 020422

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at times, i find myself awake during the night hours, not solely for the serenity it offers, as commonly presumed

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at times, i find myself awake during the night hours, not solely for the serenity it offers, as commonly presumed. while i do appreciate the calmness of the night, my true affection lies with the moon. its absence of late is rather vexing; hidden behind a thick veil of clouds, it remains elusive, much to my frustration.

why does it choose to stay hidden? this thought nags at me, urging me to catch a glimpse of its radiant presence. my fascination with the moon, once attributed to childhood passion for astronomy, has taken a turn. it seems i've developed a newfound obsession with the stars, though their proximity to the moon now irks me. their shimmering glow, so near yet so far, casts a shadow over my nightly musings.

in light of my evolving understanding of lunar allure, i entertain a whimsical notion - to pluck the stars from the sky. it's a rather audacious thought, i admit, fueled by a mix of annoyance and longing. as for my lunar preferences, while i once favored the full moon for its fairy-tale charm, my heart now belongs to the crescent. its gentle curve, reminiscent of a tilted smile, resonates with me on a deeper level.

does my sentiment seem somewhat absurd? perhaps. but amidst these nocturnal ponderings, what truly captivates me are the simple joys of sweet smiles and twinkling eyes that adorn the night sky.

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