Chapter 12: A LONG awaited Reunion

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As Annabeth, Zoe, and Percy settled into the room, they rearranged where they sat. Percy and Annabeth sat next to each other and Zoe took a seat near Artemis but positioned herself slightly closer to Aphrodite to be able to get a look at the notes she was taking.

/Chapter 12: A LONG awaited Reunion

Percy smiled as he saw the blonde curls and startling grey eyes of one of his best friends, Annabeth Chase, step onto the plank./

Zoe looked to see Aphrodite typing on her gWatch. She glanced over to see notes about Percabeth. Zoe looked over at Percy and Annabeth who had winked at her as Percy carefully put his arm around Annabeth. It was definitely awkward, but the plan was in motion. Artemis saw this unfolding and raised her eyebrow.

/She was quickly followed by a boy Percy didn't know but his blonde hair and blue eyes made him guess this was Jason, the guy Percy had replaced as praetor. He smirked at bit when he thought of how the son of Zeus/Jupiter would react to being replaced in a position of power. He hoped this kid was more like Thalia than most children of Zeus throughout history, other than maybe his namesake Perseus, who he liked quite a bit as well. He just knew the quest would not go well if he got stuck with another Heracles./

Percy whispered in Annabeth's ear and Annabeth giggled. Aphrodite noticed this and took the bait as she smiled ear to ear. Her plan was finally unfolding and working.

/Although he thought it was amusing, he didn't care much about being praetor. He cared about the Romans, not about being their leader.

Next to step onto the plank was a small Latino boy who was covered with oil and grease stains and had a mischievous glint in his eyes. Percy assumed this must be the Leo Valdez kid that Hera mentioned. He decided to pass judgment on the kid once he got to know him a little better./

Artemis eyed Annabeth and Percy and saw Percy was being a bit too personal with Annabeth. She looked over at Aphrodite who was still writing notes not even noticing Artemis now looking at her.

Artemis glared and cursed.

/Percy began to worry when he saw no sign of Zoe. He looked at Annabeth who was approaching him but her expression was amused making him sigh with relief./

Aphrodite moved to write more, but as she did, she found herself shot by a barrage of arrows. As she was, Percy and Annabeth jumped apart. Aphrodite looked up in surprise to see an angry Artemis staring at her, a knife inches from her throat. "Don't you dare mess with Zoe and Percy or I will make sure you never have kids again," Artemis growled.

Aphrodite's eyes widened. "What? But I didn't... I mean..."

Aphrodite quickly looked down at her watch and Artemis followed her gaze. Aphrodite had been writing a rather erotic fanfiction between Percy and Annabeth. Aphrodite blushed and gazed at Annabeth and realized her writing had affected more than she thought. "S-sorry... won't happen again!" Aphrodite yelled.

Zoe grinned as she rejoined Percy's side. Annabeth grinned as she laughed. The plan had gone pretty much as expected and Aphrodite stopped updating her gPad or gWatch from that point forward.

/Percy looked at the plank leading up to the ship expectantly before he grinned as he saw Zoe ignore the plank and jump down from the side of the ship with the ease and grace of a huntress. Her eyes immediately locked with Percy's before they widened when she noticed him wearing the cloak of the praetor and standing beside Reyna whose face remained stoic./

"It's not what it seems," Percy said.

/"Make sure the legion doesn't move." Percy muttered quietly to Reyna who was confused but nodded quickly./

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