2.The Guests

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At Silverstone mansion

Tae Jun spoke up capturing everyone's attention.
"Let me introduce our guests. This is Violet Williams and Gary Thomson from Korea. They are actually Americans. Please take care of them like they are part of our family."

Everyone introduced themselves. Tae Jun also introduced the servants and workers to them.Helio was busy staring at the girl. But he noticed her eyes were fixed on someone else.

Harvey's POV:
I couldn't believe my eyes.Why on earth am I so attracted to someone who resembles the one that I treated like my sister? I have never felt that way forher but this girl makes me feel things. The look in her eyes was making me feel things. My heartbeat rose. What is going on ?

"I will show your rooms. Follow me."said Tae Jun
They followed Tae Jun. Gary helped her harry some luggage.

I walked over to dinner table and sat their to process my thoughts. More than the uncanny resemblance, what bothered me was the things that I am feeling for her. I wonder how Helio felt on seeing her.

Half an hour later
My train of thoughts were interrupted by a voice.
"Hi, Harvey."
It was Violet. She looked pretty with her small nervous smile.

If it were other woman I would have made excuses to go way but for some reason I was glad she made her way to come talk to me.

"H-Hi Violet"
Great! Now why on earth did I have to get hiccups on my first conversation with her.

She poured me a glass of water .
"You, ok now?"
"Yeah "
"Maeu joayo" she said and smiled.
What does it mean?
"I mean good. What should I address you as?"
"Just call me Harvey"
"Ok. May I have seat near you?"
"Oh,I guess I will go then."
"Ofcourse yes ,silly girl. Treat this as your own house and family. Why so formal?"
"Thanks it's just that I don't know how to act with someone like you."
"Someone like me?"
"Yeah an amazing legend like you. I really admire you."
My heart fluttered on hearing that .
"Really? Thank you Violet"
"You can just call me Villy. That's what people close to me call me "

Suddenly a loud noise of my stomach grumbling came out.
She laughed on hearing that.

"Are you hungry?"
"A little bit."
"I will cook something for you"
Its ok, Vil. The cook will be back later. She has some errand to run today. I can just ask her to cook me something later."
"Are you afraid my cooking skills won't be good?"
"No, it's not that .Its just that I don't want to bother you already."
"Then don't worry. You aren't bothering me. I want to do this for you.Please?"

I didn't want to say no to her pleading eyes. So I nodded in aggreement.

"Good . Do you like egg noodles?"
"Ofcourse. I love noodles."
"Really? Me too. You can wait here. I will be back soon."
"No I will get bored. I want to watch you cook."

I ended up taking a seat in kitchen . I watched her cut vegetables and arrange stuff. She looked like a professional chef.

Just how could a person look so gorgeous

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Just how could a person look so gorgeous. It didn't make any sense .

Suddenly her hair became untied and lay loose. I was enchanted.

I walked to her back and took my handkerchief.
"Shall I help you tie your hair?"
"Yes please."

I tied her hair using my handkerchief and when I was done it looked like a perfect bow on her hair . It suited her well .

She suddenly turned towads me. Our bodies were way too close.
She smiled and said "Thank you".

My herat skipped a beat. She turned away continuing her work.

"Can I help you by doing something?"
"Yeah, please stir this while I cut these vegetables."

That way we cooked together. I have never found happiness in spending time with women. But today it was different. I wanted the time to freeze. I don't why but I was liking this moments where I am with her .

Soon we were done and settled on the dining table. The noodles looked really luscious.

"Do you have chopsticks?"she asked"No , do you need them?""No I was just asking

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"Do you have chopsticks?"she asked
"No , do you need them?"
"No I was just asking . Now have some and tell me if it's good."

I took a mouthful . It was delicious.

"Mm.. it's really delicious"
"Really? Good ."

I took a spoonful and brought it near her mouth.

"Now open your mouth"
"No ,it's ok you can have it."
"If you don't eat I will be really disappointed. Do you want me to be?"
"Ok fine I will eat it."

She opened her mouth and I fed her. I wiped the noodle residue from her lips and looked into her eyes. She was also doing the same. For some reason I could feel a tension between us .I felt myself leaning slightly towards her until we were interrupted.

"What's going on here!!"

I am in trouble .

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