1.A new beginning

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Author's note: Please read the first page -characters to know better about character's relations with each other and to know more about them.
At Silverstone mansion

Its a Saturday evening. Everyone is having dinner together at the dining table.

"I want to ask you all permission for something

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"I want to ask you all permission for something." said Tae jun.

"Go ahead , Jun" said Helio

"A close friend of mine from Korea who is more like a sister to me , is coming to America. But she hasn't found a place to stay yet. So I was thinking about letting her stay here for a week until she finds a place."said Tae jun

"Well it's not a problem,but, why can't she stay in a hotel or something "said Ray

"It's just that she is a famous model and actress. So I was the one who suggested her to stay here . But if if you all don't like that idea then I will try and find other place." said Tae Jun

"No need babe. Its alright. We have many rooms anyway. Is anyone against this idea?" said Hayley

No one spoke up.

"When is she arriving?"asked Harvey

"Tomorrow morning 7:30 am"said Tae Jun

"I hope she won't annoy me like other women"said Harvey

"Don't worry about that ,Uncle. You will all love her. Oops I forgot to mention . There's also a guy with her. He is also a celebrity. They are kind of childhood sweethearts."said Tae Jun

"Wow, then I guess 3 celebrities will be living in the same house. That's so cool. I hope the guy is handsome though."said Jenny

"I am ok with them staying here unless that guy flirts with my pretty wife"said Ray staring dreamily at his wife

"What are you even saying ,hubby. Who would want to flirt with a middle aged woman like me?"said Jenny

"Well, I do"said Ray and kissed her hand

"Eww ..stop that guys. Its been so long since you have been married. Can't you quit flirting in front of us?"said Harvey with a fake disgusted expression

"C'mon Harvey .You won't understand this. You have been single since birth. I have tried to set you and Helio with various woman but you both never just give in to woman 's charm.
Helio is better than you. Atleast the reason he is single is bcoz he still loves his ex lover.But you...I wonder how long you will be single."said Ray

"Don't bother about me Ray. I am happy as I am. I don't need any woman. Love is not meant for me."
said Harvey

"I have a feeling that a woman will soon come into your life shattering all your shield of coldness. That day you can't but surrender to the power of love ." said Jenny as if she is making a prophecy.

"Just shut up Jenny. Don't jinx it."said Harvey annoyed

"How old are they, Jun?"asked Helio

"Violet's 20 and Gary is 21."said Tae Jun

This is the Silverstone mansion. Ray is married to Jenny and Tae jun is engaged to Hayley. Other than that , no one is blood related here. But the 7 of them like together like a family. And it's all thanks to someone who is no longer with them.

At Silverstone mansion

It's Sunday morning.By 7:45 am, they expected guest arrived with Tae Jun.
First a man in 20s enters who is followed by a woman around the same age. Both were good looking. But the moment they looked at the girl no one could take off their eyes from the girl.

Helio's Pov:
I wondered if I am seeing things when I saw the new girl . But when I saw other's expression I knew I wasn't.

This girl looks like none other than my deceased lover!!

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