chapter 5: hiding the secret..

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Me (author): hiiii! Just saying the play went well ofc!! 😜 We had some preppy tornados around the area!! And our play canceled for the young kids. But we had the main concert for parents and some kids who didn't get to see it. We also had some coquette thunder storms!! They slay 😍. Anyways enjoy this chapter!

⚠️Warning: keeping a big secret and manipulation again!⚠️

Comet's pov:
I got home from what happened. I went a little bit early.. eclipse told me to do that.. he also told me to clean my body so no one finds out what happened. And I did. I took a long shower just standing there contemplating what happened. He also told me what to wear. He told me to wear a shirt that covered my arms and neck. He told me to wear some pants as well. I only obeyed. I really did not want me or my family hurt.

I was already hurt

My body aches and it hurts when I walk. And I'm going to have to endure this type of pain for who knows how long. I sat on my bed and put my head on the wall looking up. I sat there for a moment and cried..

Why would he do this...

Why am I the victim..

Did I do something.. and this is what I deserve..?

Why am I his toy..

I heard star get home. I walked out of my room and went down the stairs even though it hurt badly.

"Where's our dads?" I said.

"Oh! Comet you scared me! Sigh- there going on a date.. they said they need their 'alone time'.. eww.." star said putting her things away.

"Oh thanks for telling me.." I said.

"I'm going to make some food btw.. do you want some? It will make you look not so sick!" She said.

"Oh um no thank you.. I'll make some of my own food later.. but thanks for the offer.." I said.

Even the thought of putting something in my mouth sounded bad...

"Oh um.. ok! If you want some you're free to pick some up!" She said.

"Ok then.." I said.

"Ok dork.." she said.

I then went up to my room and flopped on my bed. I tried to sleep but my thoughts were crowded in my head.

I could still feel his hands on me..

I can still feel him pressing against me..

I can still feel him nibbling at me and licking me..


Star's pov:
I quickly made some food. I sat down in the living room and spotted comet's phone..

Hm.. it can't be that bad right..?

I picked it up and saw it needed a password. I put his birth date because that's the first thing that came to mind. And of course it worked. Immediately I saw the app he was just in. I see he was texting someone. I looked at the texts.

I was horrified...

I thought it was a friend at first or even a partner. But it was worse than that.. it was so bad that I almost threw up. Such dirty texts from this guy..

Named eclipse..

I swear Iv'e heard that name before... I don't remember when though..

Still, I was disgusted...

I walked up to his room and opened his door. He was curled up crying.

I looked at him with despair in my eyes..

"Comet?" I said.

He givkly got up and wiped his tears and looked at me holding his phone. I saw the fear in his eyes.

"What has this person done to you?!" I said with anger in my voice.

"Nothing! Just give me back my phone!" He said reaching for it.

"NO! I'm not giving it to you! I need to call dad about this!" I said.

"Please don't they'll kill me! And besides! I don't think this has ever happened to one of them! They won't get it!" He said.

I looked at him in disbelief.

"Only if you stop it!" She said.

"I promise!!! Now give it back!" He said.

"Fine.." I said as I gave it back to him. He took it with his shaky hand and put it to his chest.

I left his room and slammed his door. I went in my room and slammed my door also going in it. I laid my back on the door and slid down it sitting on the floor. I covered my face and cried. I can't believe he would do this to himself... And he won't even tell our parents... Litterly the most trustworthy people in our lives. I finally stopped crying and got dressed in pajamas. I then went down stairs after I cleaned my tears fully. I went to the kitchen and got a cup of water. I then heard the door open. I kinda spit in my cup and went off to bed. I was supposed to an hour ago. I gickly went in my room and closed the door as guiet as I could and jumped on bed making me look like I was asleep.

Ruin's pov:
I walked in the house with solar. We had just went out and I was in a good mood.

"Thank you again honey.. I know your very busy and all.." I said.

He picked my up and gave me a kiss.

"Now, you stop thanking me! All I did was take you out on a simple date!" He said.

"Hey I'm allowed to-" I said before he interrupted me with more kisses. He finally set me down.

"K, i'm going to bed.. see ya there~!" He said.

I blushed.. "ya I'll see you! In just going to check on the kids.." I said.

I kissed him on the cheek and I went up the stairs to check on star and comet. I first went to star's room. She was laying on her side and sleeping. I closed the door silently and went to comet's room. He was laying on his back and I saw a tear leave his eye. I went up to him and wiped it and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

"P-please s-stop.." he whispered.

I couldn't tell if he was awake or sleeping.. it could be a nightmare... I gave him another kiss and walked out his room and closed his door. I felt bad.. I just walked to me and solar's room. I walked in and shut the door behind me.

me (author):
Hiii!!! Hope you guys like it! I'm not feeling the best.. its probably because I helped clean out a VERY dusty storage room. Anyways I hope you guys have a good day/night!

soon they will find out what he did.. (solar x ruin!! book number 2)Where stories live. Discover now