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Sorry guys for late update...
Here's the 5th one...
I hope you like it...



(It was the day of marriage between the Devil King and the Angel....
One was dying to get married, as he couldn't take the feeling of being his angel in someone other's arm...
While the other one was praying to God,to not let this marriage happen....)

{Taehyung was finding ways to escape from this marriage....
However the situation is; he just doesn't want to marry that Devil King...
He knew how the Devil King tighten the security; just to ensure he can't escape from here....
There are maybe 30 guards just below his window & maybe the same as outside the door of his....
There is no chance that he can escape from here...
He was praying to God; to send the Royal Angels who can take him away from here...
He didn't even wanted to marry that girl with  whom his marriage got fixed as he's waiting for he's first love...the forever one...

Then how can he accept the Devil?....}

{ But on the other side; the Devil King was ready to marry that angel as soon as possible....
He was ready to marry him then at his bedroom only...
But he controlled himself....as he knew some rituals are important to do for the marriage...
Or later they can face high consequences for that...

He just wants he's angel to be his in each & every way....}

(Marriage is a invisible bond between two souls...

The concept of Marriage is the beginning, the beginning of the family and is a lifelong commitment....
It also provides an opportunity to grow in selflessness as you serve your family....
Marriage is more than a physical union; it is also an emotional union...

When two persons get married, the “two become one.”....
Marriage is a bond like no other...
It gives us a life partner, a teammate, as we passing through the challenges of life together...
Marriage is designed for purity...
The bond of marriage gives them the support and strength they need from eachother....

But what if one doesn't know how the marriage works?...
And the other don't even want to get married...
One, just wants to acquire the other; while the other just wants an escape from him!?...

Then how will the two survive with eachother....
Without trust, respect, compromise, commitment, honesty and..........love?!........)


Is everything ready?...(The Devil King asked..)

Yes,your Majesty....(Jimin replied....)

And what's about my Angel?!...(the King asked...)

He's all good!..
Just only once he tried to sneek out but after seeing us in the corridor,he went in his room.... (Jimin replied....)

Now, take things and go to my angel's room...
Try to get him ready for the marriage...
But if he'll not listen to you, then tell me!...
(The King ordered....)

Sure, your Majesty...(Jimin replied...)

And yes, take Hoseok with you too...
And tell Suga to ensure every place is secured...
And Yoongi to see all the arrangements are good or not!...
(The Devil King ordered...)

Devil's Angle | TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now