Chapter 5

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I plucked and kept the rose that you grew for me safe even if it's thorns spilled my blood and yet one day you stopped watering it thinking my blood wouldn't spill as there would be no thorns left but oh god you deprived me of the rose itself◉

It was a week after Aadya finally learned the truth , well half truth. She thought she would never be able to forgive her family for what they did but she had to , god didn't even let her have the choice.
It was her mother's few last days maybe few last hours on the planet and she didn't want to spend that precious time in resentment towards the woman who thought her everything, who completed her.

Her brothers had prohibited her from waiting in the hospital hours and hours outside her mother's room even after visiting hours were over but she had to visit just to be sure that her mother was alive. What is even happening? Aadya thought to herself. What has life become?

Aadya slowly tip toed towards the door of the penthouse her brothers and her were staying in , only to find a suited man guarding the door.

" Hello ma'am, how can I help you?" The man asked her.

Aadya gave him an all dazzling smile thinking her charm would work but clearly it didn't when she asked if she could visit her mom but he refused.

She later spent the whole day lamenting her life in the bed. She even kept refusing the meals that were sent to her. As a small rebellion she even refused to answer Avyansh's calls.

The day went on but as they say an empty mind is no less than a devil's. Aadya now was thinking of all the ways to sneak out and the first attempt was finally made when the waiter came again with a trolley carrying food.

"Ma'am please accept the order , your brother insists." The young waiter offered.

Aadya offered him a kind smile. "Thank you , you can leave it here , i will ring you once I'm done."

The waiter nodded and took a leave and Aadya shoved down the food as quickly as she could. After shoving the food she opened the door and found the same man in black suit again. She decided to name him the hulk , boy was he built like a mountain.

"Hey , I would like to visit the sauna , I'm really bored." She said casually.

"Sure ma'am let's go." The Hulk replied and Aadya's smile fell off. She quickly recovered and came with a comeback.

"Can you please call me Aadya? And I don't think it's decent enough for you to follow me in the sauna , you could show me the way though." She said praying he would buy it.

The hulk seemed to contemplate but finally with a tough swallow he agreed and showed her the way.

Aadya pretended to go in the sauna and as soon as the hulk left she sneaked out and was about to enter the grand foyer of the penthouse building when she was few more men dressed in black. God! She didn't knew that the hulk had his army.

Alas after tiptoeing here and there she managed to get past the security and was just about to pass the main gate when she a heard an all familiar voice.

" You have always been sneaky little shit haven't you?"

Aadya gasped and turned just to find warm brown hues staring right back at her. Those eyes she knew all too well. She remembered that person teaching her how to read and all this nostalgia couldn't stop her from bursting into tears and flinging herself into the warm embrace that felt like a cup of chai you would have on a long rainy day. Comfort and peace embodied together.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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