Chapter 4

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We are so curious to know whether the story will have a happy or sad end that sometimes we forget some stories don't even reach close to the end , the story lacks a closure ◉

The king was the heir to a glorious kingdom , he was kind , he was brave and most importantly he was a good ruler who was expected to rule the kingdom with an iron's fist.On the other hand in the same kingdom loved a southern , beautiful belle. Her life revolved around her family and her dreams. Her dreams were precious to her , nayab was the word she used to describe them.

On one fateful rainy night the king who was stuck in traffic met the belle , " god who's this precious looking belle," he wondered. One glance at each other they shared , and it thundered. Was this a sign? A golden dream or a nightmare? Only time could tell.

The king was enthralled as he watched the belle rushing past him without an umbrella, all wet due to the downpour , dressed in beautiful red anarkali , 'the lady in red' he thought. A treasure as precious, as nayab as a red ruby he thought.

The belle looked at the king and only one thing wondered in her mind , 'oh this how it feels to be surrounded by a man commanding forces on his fingertips,'. The enigma of that man was forever bestowed upon her.

Soon conversations happened after the king kindly helped the belle reach her home. Soon her voice became the only reason he looked forward for another day. Soon all her prayers had only one reward , him.

Oh to be young and in love , they often wondered. Good times were the nights when they spent hours star gazing , naming their yet to be born kids , planning to grow old and frail , fighting over who loves the other the most.

Alas , after night came day , after good times came bad , after unicorns in love came the baggage. The thought that their worlds were totally different lingered upon. One was the sun with all the glory and hope  the other was the night with all the darkness and power. Could the sun ever rise in the presence of night? Could the night ever leave it's darkness just to accomodate the sun? But they thought they could exist together , oh to be stupid in love!

The battle waged , battle for love. Irony being it was against the people whom the king and the belle loved with all their heart. If one should know about the battle of love against love , it should be the fact that no one ever wins this battle. It always ends up serving defeat to both the forces.

This time one deafeat was that the king abandoned his power for his love and the other being the kingdom lost it's gloriousness.

The king and belle thought this was their ending. Not a happy nor a sad ending rather a bittersweet one , but atleast an ending they had.

They continued their lifes and soon three princes joined them , they were happy in a little bubble they created. "Only a princess can complete us," would say the king. " She could turn this story of ours into a happy ending," the belle would add.

But haven't we all heard , ' a power hungry man is on a path of self destruction.'

Destruction started when the cunning mother of the  king approached him and showed him the picture of all that he could have. A palace , a throne  , a crown garaunteed to his sons. He was lured in easily , he thought this was his calling , this was so nayab that he couldn't reject the offer. The offer which included marrying a princess.

He pondered and pondered. The power hungry man forgot he was a husband, a father and most importantly a lover.

He tried explaining to the belle how this would secure a dreamy future for their kids and how the marriage to the princess would be a sham and he will only ever love her.

The belle broke down , begged and questioned. Repeatedly kept saying that the love they have was more nayab than any throne. Only if the king would understand.

She thought of leaving but then a little beacon of light growing inside her stopped her. She accepted her fate as his mistress while he returned to the throne.

But even love could go far to a certain extent. Her walls had now crumpled after years of watching the love of her life with another woman, after waiting for him every fortnight just for him to leave and never look back as if she was a sin he was committing.

It was the Belle's brother that pointed out how she was still the belle while the princess was now the queen. It made her realise while she thought of him as a holy prayer he thought of her as a sin.

They decided to part ways , it wasn't pleasant but this was a battle for her self respect and she was winning this time no matter what.

The king's mother with all her power made sure that the belle only recieved the little daughter's custody and it broke the Belle's heart to leave her little princes behind.

' For a star to be born , a gaseous nebulla must collapse , so collapse and crumble this is not your destruction.' she thought and kept on with life.

When her little princes were of age they finally found out the letters she wrote, morelike a mother's plea and confronted the king. Soon the king learned about the misfortune and cunning intentions of his mother but now it was too late.

A beautiful family had broken apart long time ago and it was too late for them to realise the damage and now the pieces were lost too. Yet the eldest prince kept searching for the pieces with his mother and when they finally found the missing link, they thought this was the happy end. They would finally reunite.

Some secrets were revealed, some secrets that were an obstacle between the happy end they deserved and they decided it was better if they remained far off from each other as broken pieces.

Don't you think a closure was needed if not an end?


Hey everyone this is just a filler chapter about the past , although some secrets are yet to be revealed.

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Also from may there would be regular updates as I would be done from my exams. Thank you;⁠)

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