#34 Free-spirited

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Have I been too lively lately? Is that what it looks like to you. I wish you could see past all the facade.

All the smiles I put on just to hide that I'm broken. Is my heart durable enough to go through the wringer again?

Am I patient enough to give second chances a try? When the first one alone tore me to levels beyond I could handle.

Where I was crooked out of shape when the storm hits.

I miss the time when I could just forget all that. Go out and buy cakes, like a little pixie on her solo date.

I miss my own laughter, which was filled with pure joy. Which wasn't at all forceful, when I didn't have thoughts that kept me up all night.

The clear blue skies awaited my flight, but my wings were completely chipped away without my choice.

So I wrote a book about my pain, about my scars that I experienced, And the betrayals, that left me broken beyond repair.

I miss my old home, where my little kitty would welcome me. When I'd step in after a long journey and everything felt so relaxing.

Even the cheap meal off the streets I loved, felt hundred times better than eating at an expensive restaurant.

I miss the times where people weren't keeping eyes on others' pockets, where cash didn't matter.

Between the friends and the family, I only seeked adoration like lavenders.

I miss being free-spirited like a traveler. I miss the miracles it'd bring when I followed my one true heart.

When I didn't have to listen to the voices in my head from ruining everything.


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