#28 Elysian of My Heartthrob

56 13 14

I'm staring at stars and the moon,
Are you looking at the same night sky as me?
Are you thinking the same things, do you feel how I feel?

Is there a meaning to life without you here?
Without feeling the dopamine in my veins from your presence next to me
From the scent of your perfume, from the smell of the soap on your skin.

Serendipity, your mellifluous laughter and the peace it gives.
You're the melody in my music, you're the lyrics that I sing.
Step down from being etherial, because you're too divine.

You'll get the jealousy of the moon and the stars, just be mine.
I'll protect you from even the celestial wrath, even if the storms come
I'll be the wall that first meets its end.

But I'll protect your luster and your shine.
I'll protect everything of you that meets my eyes.
You live in my mind, you're the dream that I speak of.

You're the serene afterthought, you're the meaning of my love.
My eunoia only goes to you, you're my cosmos, you're my universe
You're the source of my strength, and you're the fight that I need to win

You're elysian like the aurora in the nightfall
You're the rainbow after the rain drops.
The infinitely tranquil faith in my heart.

You're the metanoia in my metaphors.
The simile in my words, the imagery of my verse
The depth of my trust, the enigma that my poet's heart paints in every poem.


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