Mommy Longlegs x fem reader

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Requested by SkylaLiberator

It had been a few days since your run-in with Huggy and killing him. The whole incadent had your nerves high. You still managed to push forward though. Soon enough you met Poppy. She let you to the game station and then you met her.. Mommy Longlegs.

You rememberd seeing the toys of her, your cousin used to have a doll of her. They creeped you out though, its like her eyes would follow you around the room.

Her hand grabed the red hand from the grabpack and ripped it off before you could react. When she revealed herself your heart skipped a beat. Her smile was black, her bright green eyes seem to burn holes through your soul.

Oddly enough though she made you feel safe. She lived up to her name, even if she was just a creepy toy. There was a problem though, she kidnapped Poppy.

-Idk man-

'Open already!' You yelled at the door. It finaly Opened enough for you to crouch under it and enter the room. You ran inside to see that it was a dead end but there was a toy shreder. You quickly ran to the othther side of the room as Mommy ran in behind you. Lucky for you hed hand got stuck in the shreder but as you pulled the lever she gave you a sad look.

You froze slightly, the toy shreder started ripping and tering at her arm as she just excepted her demise. But you couldn't. You quickly ran to the lever and pulled it up, stoping the sheder from doing any more damage. She fell back with a thud and looked at you with mixed emotions in her now normal eyes.

You sat by the machine to try and catch your breath while Mommy tried to get her thoughts together. She couldn't believe that you saved her after what she's put you through.

You glanced at the door that was closed when you first entered, it's open now. You got up and held your hand out to mommy. She looked at you and accepted your hand as you helped her up.

'She really is different from the others..'

Poppy playtime One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now