Ms. Delight x Male reader

353 6 5

Requested by - Iwearsweats

You'd entered the school about 30 minutes ago, the voice of the teacher cutting out for the second time makes you more obsevent of your surroundings. It's like she was playing games with you, like you were her toy.

You placed the battery into the generator and turned to head back to exit the school but then you heard quick footsteps approaching from behind you. You turned around to see Ms. Delight smashing the generator with what looked like a mase. Your eyes widened as she turned to face you. She looked freaking terrifying. You turned away from her and started running.

Eventually ran into a corner and whipped your head around to see her running straight at you. 'WAIT!' You yelled to her, causing her to stop and glare at you.

You let out a heavy sigh before speaking, 'I seen your notes and.. I-I want to help you..' Her glare intensifies. 'Look, I know you weren't always like this. And I'd like to help you any way I could..' She stayed silent.

You looked at the floor, defeated. 'What makes you think that someone like you could help someone like me?' He voice rang out, catching your attention. You looked at her. 'Well I mean, every one deserves a second chance. Even if they just tried to kill me with a makeshift Mase..' You responded shakly.

'Barb has a name.' She stated, rudely. You gulped. 'O-ofcourse, u-uh so how about this. We can make a deal? I help you get fixed up, and you can leave.. Barb- and we can escape this place together?..' She stated at you for a few minutes contaplateing her choices.

She sighed and sat her makeshift weapon on the floor. 'Fine.' She stated, 'But don't betray me.' You nodded and stated heading out of the school. Eventually meeting up with poppy and kissy.

Oppon seeing you and Ms. Delight, kissy and poppy shared concerned glances but  didn't say anything.


You were fixing Ms. Delight while poppy, kissy and Ollie were having a little conversation about their Angel and the teacher.

'Wait, he saved Ms. Delight?' Ollie asked. 'Yes! I don't know how to feel about it, but they seem to be.. Close.' Poppy replied, receiving a nod from Kissy.

Ollie let out a giggle, 'I think they like each other. How about y'all set them up?' He suggested. Poppy's eyes widened, 'What?! Ollie we have more important things to do than worry about some stupid relationship between our savior and a teacher!'

Kissy and Ollie started laughing (Kissy indecating that she's laughing). 'Common poppy. Yn has been working non stop, I'm sure a little fun filled ebaresment won't hurt with anything~' Ollie sang. Poppy sighed, fine but we need a plan..

You'd just gotten done fixing Ms. Delight when Ollie called you. 'Yn! There's been a problem in the gas production zone! I need you to get there ASAP! But it's best if you go alone, don't want anyone getting hurt! See ya!' He hung up before you could say anything. You sighed and stood up.

Delight smiled at you and thinked you before you left to fix the problem. As you entered the gas production zone, it was obvious that nothing was wrong. You groaned, this kid was going to literally be the death of you.

You walked back to the main part of playcare to find nobody. Not kissy, poppy, nor Ms. Delight. You pinched the bridge of your nose before your phone rang again.

'Ollie, there was nothing wrong in the gas production zone..' You stated. 'Oh, sorry it seems like it was actually a glitch in the cameras. Sorry n/n!' 'Anyways, where is poppy, kissy, and Ms. Delight?' 'Hmmm-'...He just hug up on you.

'He's over there.' A faint voice spoke from across playcare, you looked to see Ms. Delight running twords you. 'What's wrong-?' You were cut off by her lips on yours. You felt your face heat up as you returned the kiss.

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