Chapter 25

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I heard a knock at my door and I didn't wanna get up to go answer it. I was spiraling down bad. The knocking hit louder which made me angrier. I got up from my couch and opened my door. Mitch stood there holding flowers.

What's wrong? He asked concerned he pushed me back into the house closing the door as he came in.

Why are you here?

I flew in a day early, what's wrong baby girl? He pulled me into a hug, hugging me tight!

I can't stop crying I broke myself!

What you mean? Baby girl talk to me!

I can't because I feel bad.

About what?

Mitch I'm in love with another man! I'm in love with another man which is why I can't give you my all! Before you showed up I thought I was fine. I was finally heartless. I built this wall up so I wouldn't get hurt again, then....then you came out of nowhere with your stupid words, your stupid handsome face, and stupid ways to make me fall for you and it opened doors that I closed and wanted to be shut for ever. I'm in love with Shooter and he doesn't love me back and it hurts and I don't want to feel this anymore I don't want this pain. I didn't wanna get close to you because I don't wanna hurt you! I really like you and your a wonderful man and I don't wanna lose you but I can't get close to you anymore because of this!

Shhhhhh I get it, I get it stop crying! It's okay!

It's not okay didn't you hear me.

He grabbed me by my face and wiped my tears. "It is okay. I completely understand! Brionna you can't help who you love and I get it I was once in your situation before. Love doesn't just go away over night. I told you I'd be your friend until you was ready for me. I came in this knowing that you use to fuck with Shooter. I didn't know the extent but I knew you fucked with him off the strength of you running things. He wouldn't of left his business in the hands of just anybody so I know it had to be something between y'all. Look your amazing and he's a fool not to love you back."
He said as he looked me in my eyes.
My tears lighted up as his words hit me. He wiped my face and pulled me into hug him.

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