Chapter 13

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2 years later....

After the dumb ass failed suicidal attempt I had I woke up pissed off cause I wasn't dead just sick as hell! I hated my life so bad. The home life was terrible. I got treated like the ugly step sister around here.

I was learning to be my own person and nothing was gonna stop me. I finally got back with Trey we would hit licks, and be out here making money. I was back to selling drugs and making sure I was putting money on my big brother books for the past two years. He got 7 more to go. He been holding it down. I only talk to him once in a while on the phone when he called Trey. Trey was 17 and bouta turn 18 soon so he would be able to go see him for the both of us.

I pulled up to this party with my BestFriend Sienna. Sienna was my girl. She just moved across the street from me last year and we been thick as thieves every since. Sienna was 15 going on 16 and occasionally having sex with Trey. They both knew what it was and not to put me in the middle of they shit. Other than that I didn't care what the hell they did.

You look cute Bri Bri! Sienna smiled hugging me.

You too boo.

We went into the party and it was lit. Sienna always had me out here. These muthafuckin high school party's was always lit. I was a freshman in high school just 14 years old but Sienna had us in the scene she was a bad bitch.... Me no where near. I was quiet and shy the fat girl that got picked on here and there. But once people started realizing that being thick" was something guys started paying attention to me and I actually got confidence.

Bri right? A guy asked coming over to me.

Who is you? I asked with my lips turned up.

Whoa ma chill just asking....I seen you around the way a few times never actually got the chance to speak to you. I think you really beautiful and I'd like to get to know you. My name Jay....

Jay huh? Why you just now speaking.

Call me shy if you want but you beautiful didn't wanna be turned down I guess.

Oh you guess? Cute you got some type of confidence now...

Yeah, so how bout that?

How bout what?

How bout me getting to know you?

I guess so... I smiled smirking.

I didn't know that this night could ruin me for the next few years.....I should of went with my first mind and turned the nigga down. Jay was a charmer. He had swag and moved like he was that nigga. I give him props he was at first but all batches have a bad apple in them.

I didn't know my night and shinning armor would expose his real true colors. I know this wasn't love but in some way I believed it.

Jay lied to me about his age. He told me he was 17 whole time the nigga was really 21. Technically it was statutory rape. I was only 14 when I got with this nigga. And shortly after that he showed me his true colors. He would try an force his self on me, beat the hell out of me, lock me in his closet multiple times a week for hours. He made me lie to my grandmother about where I was at. Made me feel like I was weak and I was worthless and nothing.

I delt with this shit for 3 years by the time I was 17 I was over it. I finally had enough courage to fight back. Trey got a hold on what was happening and he kilt Jay right in front of me. 2 shots right to the head. Trey already caught bodies so this was just another one. I felt like I was finally free. People was talking and Trey had to leave town for a while. I officially felt like I had nobody left in the world. I was alone. But from that day forward I promised myself that I would never put myself in this predicament again. I was gonna change my life around and make something of myself.

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