Chapter 50

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Time skips, evening time, at Vante

Tae and Jimin were working in their cabin as usual. Yoona was on leave today as Tae wanted her to take proper rest, so he called Yoona by his own and asked her to take leave and proper rest. He was thinking about how can he take Yoona to the hospital. What will he say to her.

On the other hand, Jimin was working on some design and he was indulged in his work. Just then his phone ringed which caught Tae's attention too. Jimin picked up the phone and talked, "Yes, its Park Jimin...... yeah... okay.... okay, I am coming."

The moment Jimin put his phone down, Tae asked him, "What happened? Where are you going?" "Umm... sunshine hotel", said Jimin. Tae furrowed his brows and asked, "Why? Meeting was not completed in the morning?" "No it was done.... I need to go there for some other work", said Jimin smiling a little. "What work you have? Tell me clearly", said Tae.

Jimin chuckled and said, "Okay, so what happened in the morning was, when I reached to the hotel........"


Jimin reached the hotel and get off his car with files in his hands. His entire concentration was on the files. He entered inside the hotel and headed towards the reception but just then someone bumped into him making all the files and papers scatter on the floor.

Jimin looked at the person who bumped into him and it was a girl. She was wearing a crop-top and blue denim shorts with boots and a cap. She was carrying a small black bag in her hands. She was looking nervous and was in a hurry.

She looked at Jimin and said, "Can't you walk properly?" Jimin furrowed his brows and said, "Its you who bumped into me." "Whatever!", said the girl and she walked past Jimin with fast steps but Jimin stopped her by holding her wrist. Jimin spoke, "Shouldn't you apologize and help me in collecting my papers?"

The girl jerked his hand away and spoke while crossing her arms on her chest, "Huh? I didn't committed any sin by bumping into you and that too accidentally. I don't have time for these shits." Jimin was about to say something but suddenly the girl cursed while looking behind Jimin, "FUCK!"

After saying that the girl ran away with full speed. Jimin looked behind and saw some hotel guards coming there looking like searching for someone. Jimin's eyes travelled around and he looked around to look for the girl but she was gone. Then one guard came to him and asked, "Sir, did you saw any girl here?" Jimin contemplated whether he should tell the guards or not. Then he finally spoke, "I saw her running out of the hotel. Whats the matter?" "She is a thief. She has stolen many precious things of some of our guests", said the guard.

Jimin nodded while thinking something. Then the guard spoke, "Thank you so much sir." Then all the guards left from there and went outside the hotel. Jimin crouched down to collect the papers but the moment he sat down, he couldn't feel his wallet in his pocket. He immediately stood up and checked all his pockets but couldn't find his wallet.

Just then his secretary entered the hotel and saw Jimin standing there checking his pockets and all the file papers scattered around. She ran to him and asked, "Sir, whats wrong? Why everything is scattered like this and what about the meeting?" "Gather all the papers and go to our clients. I will join in few minutes", said Jimin and he immediately ran towards the direction where that girl went, and that is towards the washroom. He misguided the guards and the girl was still in the hotel.

He reached to the ladies washroom and halted in his steps. He can't just enter inside like that. So he decided to wait for the girl to come out.

After a few minutes, that felt like an eternity to Jimin, the girl came out being all alert and looking around. She was about to go but Jimin held her wrist and stopped her. She looked at Jimin and said while gritting her teeth, "What you want now? Leave me." "I came to take whats mine", said Jimin. "Huh?", spoke girl a little nervous. "You took my wallet", said Jimin. The girl jerked his hand away and turned around to run but stopped by Jimin's voice, "Return my wallet. I will give something more of the worth to you."

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