Chapter 37

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Yoongi dragged Taehyung and Jungkook inside by pulling their ears. Tae and Jungkook were pleading to him, "Hyung... please, its hurting. Hyungie sorry please." Yoongi ignored both of them and dragged them towards a cabin inside the hospital. They entered the cabin and then he left them harshly. Tae and Jungkook hissed in pain and rubbed their ears.

Others also entered the cabin. Sohee was already sitting there. She looked at Yoongi who was looking angry. She spoke while getting up, "Yoon listen... please calm down. They were just--------". She sighed and shut her mouth when Yoongi glared her.

Jungkook spoke in a low voice looking towards Yoongi, "H-hyung, I------". He was cut-off in between when Yoongi said angrily, "Just shut your mouth and stand there quietly." Jungkook shut his mouth and stood there while looking down.

Just then Jin went closer to Yoongi and hugged him and said, "I am glad you are all fine Yoongi-ah." Yoongi hugged him back and spoke, "Don't worry hyung.... I am fine." Jin broke the hug and looked at Yoongi and slapped him lightly and spoke, "You know how scared I was? How scared was Sohee and also Tae, Jimin and Kook. Sohee was crying continously and its not good for her. You know how much worried we all were? And that stupid doctor, he made us more scared. We should replace that doctor. Fire him Yoongi-ah and I need to talk to you about something and I think you already know what it is about. I will not leave you easily this time. You will surely regret taking those pills again and I will make sure that you never------------".

Jin continued scolding Yoongi. Everybody was waiting for Jin's rap to finish but he had no intentions of stoping soon. At last, Yoongi cut him off in between and said, "Ahhhh hyung... my ears... my ears are gonna bleed now. Please stop it. Do whatever you want later.... but first let me handle these two brats."

Jin stopped and nodded. Then he spoke, "First let me tell you what your precious youngest brother did." Yoongi glanced at Jungkook and then looked at Jin and asked, "What?" Before Jin could say anything, Jungkook spoke while showing his puppy eyes, "Jin hyungie please don't tell that to-----". Yoongi glared at Jungkook and spoke in a deep scary voice, "I told you to stand quietly. Shut your mouth Jungkook." Jungkook gulped and looked down and mumbled, "I am gone now... for sure... I am gone."

Jin told Yoongi what 'cool' stunt Jungkook pulled off. Yoongi glared at Jungkook with red angry eyes and clenched his jaw and fists. Jungkook glanced at Yoongi and his puppy eyes met with Yoongi's scary eyes. Jungkook immediately looked down and he kept his both hands together at the front like a obedient child. He was looking so innocent like he had never made any trouble all his life. He just wanted the earth to swallow him right now. He was feeling so scared under Yoongi's angry gaze.

Yoongi took a deep breathe and spoke calmly after few seconds, "Jungkook go and face the wall. Stand there quietly. I will talk to you later." "Huh?", spoke Jungkook scaredly. "Can't you hear me? GO TO THE CORNER", yelled Yoongi. Jungkook flinched a little due to Yoongi's yell and slowly went towards the corner and faced the wall.

Yoongi mumbled, "He really knows how to piss me off." He then looked at Tae and spoke while glaring him, "Are you this irresponsible Taehyung, huh?" Tae stood silently keeping his hands at the front with palm of one hand resting over the back of other hand. He kept his head low. Yoongi scolded him more, "Are you insane? What if something could have happened to you, huh?"

Tae didn't said anything, just kept looking down. Yoongi scolded him more, "I didn't expected this from you. Instead of stopping Jungkook, you yourself endangered your life." Tae mumbled in a low voice, "S-sorry hyung." "What sorry, huh? For this day I gave you training?" Tae didn't spoke anything just looked down. Yoongi asked him in anger, "What promise I took from you when I trained you both? Tell me." Tae gulped and looked down but didn't said anything.

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