Chapter 16

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Darkpaw sat at still as he could while maplenose groomed his fur. Beetlepaw and Raccoonpaw already had their fur sleek and fluffy, ready to prove themselves to their clan.

Beetlepaw padded towards darkpaw's side as maplenose finished grooming him. "We did it, Darkpaw. We're becoming warriors, Cloudfur would've been proud."

Darkpaw smiled a bit as he watched Raccoonpaw lick the dirt from his paws. "Raccoonpaw, you're gonna walk anyways. Why waste time cleaning some dirt from your paws?"

Raccoonpaw stopped and looked at darkpaw. "Well, I need to look my best for the clan. Look at your chest fur." Beetlepaw looked at darkpaw and saw some braken.

"Darkpaw, you need to take better care of your fur." Darkpaw watched as bettlepaw latched onto the braken and softly pulled it out.

"There now you look presentable for the clan." Darkpaw nodded and watched Applepaw glare at him from his nest. Woodpaw noticed and boxed Applepaw's ears playfully.

Darkpaw purred as he left his spot to follow his littermates. Chippedclaw, Mousecoal, and darksoul all sat below the pinebranch with the rest of the clan sitting with anticipation.

Blackpelt sat in the back as he watched all three of his kits pad by with their head high. Darkpaw sat beside his littermates while Morningstar climbed the pinebranch.

"Cats of ShadowClan today, we name three of our new apprentices. Beetlepaw, please step up." Beetlepaw padded up, quivering with excitement as she awaited her name.

"Darksoul, do you believe this apprentice has learned the ways of the warrior code and is ready for her warrior name?" Beetlepaw looked at Darksoul with fear.

"I believe she trained long and hard for this." Beetlepaw sighed and looked at Morningstar. "Then, by the powers of starclan, you shall be known as Beetleleap. ShadowClan honors your agility and kindness."

Beetleleap padded back to sit by her littermates as she breathed heavily. Raccoonpaw padded up next with pride. "Chippedclaw, is your apprentice ready to learn the ways of a warrior?"

Chippedclaw nodded with respect as he watched silently. "Then, by the powers of starclan, you shall be known as Raccoonclaw ShadowClan honors you for your bravery and skills."

Raccoonclaw dipped his head and padded next to Beetleleap. Now it's darkpaw's turn for a name. "Mousecoal, do you believe this apprentice deserves his warrior name?"

Darkpaw watched Mousecoal as she stared directly at blackpelt. "He may be an arrogant furball. But he has what it takes to be a warrior."

Darkpaw felt proud of his achievement and watched Morningstar nod. "Then, from here on out, you shall be known as Darkstorm. ShadowClan honors your pride and firce attitude."

Darkstorm smiled as he listened to his clan yowling his and his littermates name. Beetleleap! Raccoonclaw! Darkstorm! Padding towards the entrance with his littermates, they sat and waited as their clanmates went to their nest.

Raccoonclaw fell asleep with his paws tucked beneath his nose, and Beetleleap curled around Raccoonclaw for warmth. Darkstorm stayed awake even when he felt his paws heavy beneath him.

Darkstorm eventually fell asleep as well but was woken up by Beetleleap, who heard shuffling. The sun was rising, and it was almost time for dawn patrol.

Darkstorm stood to his paws and groomed his rumpled fur. Raccoonclaw was sharpening his claws on the stone while Beetleleap was messing with a butterfly.

Morningstar padded out of her den to see the tree cats were awake and energized. "Well, ShadowClan's newest warriors are awake before the others."

Beetleleap nodded as she stopped playing with the butterfly. "Well, i hope you're ready to lead a patrol Darkstorm. Beetleleap, I want you on a hunting patrol and Raccoonclaw. I want you to supervise the apprentices training."

Beetleleap padded with her tail held high as she entered the warrior's den. Raccoonclaw sat by the apprentices den waiting for their mentors to wake up.

Darkstorm saw Yellowfoot, woodpaw, and blackpelt all padding towards him with surprise in their eyes. "So Darkstorm, where should we go for patrol?"

Darkstorm relished Yellowfoot, saying his warrior name. "I think we should patrol the windclan border and then pass the ThunderClan border when we head back to camp."

The older warriors mumbled in agreement as they followed Darkstorm towards the entrance. "So Darkstorm, what do you think my warrior name will be?"

Darkstorm turned to see woodpaw looking at him with curiosity. Darkstorm purred in amusement as he walked. "Well, it's for Morningstar to decide not me."

Woodpaw walked beside Darkstorm while Yellowfoot and blackpelt mewed in low whispers. "Well, Darkstar has a nice tone to it." Woodpaw spoke with kindness.

Darkstorm stared ahead as he said his leader name in his head. 'Darkstar.' That did have a good tone. "Well, I don't think Chippedclaw will choose a half blind cat for a deputy."

Woodpaw frowned as she continued to stare blankly at Darkstorm. "Remember Morningstar said that if she had the chance, she would make you her deputy?"

Darkstorm thought about it for a second and nodded. "She did say that. But Chippedclaw still has a chance at being the leader of ShadowClan." Woodpaw grunted but kept walking.

They made it to the windclan border and marked their borders as they looked around for any scent that they didn't recognize. Darkstorm smelled mouse, but it reeked of crow food.

The others must have noticed the scent. Darkstorm smelled a scent he recognized from twoleg borders, but before he could warn the others, he smelled the horrid stench but stronger.

Yellowfoot let out a mighty yowl as Darkstorm heard a terrible snap. Yellowfoot was limp in a large dog's mouth. Blackpelt grabbed woodpaw by the scruff as Darkstorm ran beside them.

The dog was close behind them as woodpaw tried to run on her own, but blackpelt kept holding on tightly to her scruff. Darkstorm eventually saw a fox trap in the corner of his eye.

"Blackpelt, run towards the fox trap!" Blackpelt noticed and ran towards the fox trap and jumped over it. The dog didn't notice anything but ran into the trap.

The sad, pitiful yelps of the dog had Darkstorm feel no regret knowing it killed Yellowfoot. Suddenly, a wave of realization hit Darkstorm.

How was he gonna tell the clan he got Yellowfoot killed?

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