Stealth Love

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Freen's POV

"Freen, hold onto Siri," Tita, my mom's sister, told me. I quickly took Siri and settled into the car with Fluppy.

After spending the night at Becky's condo, I headed home. Since it's a holiday, we're going to the beach with our families.

We're heading to different beaches.

We set aside time for our families because our schedules have been so hectic. Today is our chance to relax.

Lost in thought, my phone suddenly rang and I smiled. There she is.

"Babe!" she greeted me as soon as I answered the call.

"Babe," I replied, holding Siri while Fluppy was beside me.

"Babe, we're heading out... I just needed to hear your voice first, because it always makes my day, hihi," she said, sounding happy.

"Becky... you're flirting with me again, hahaha. But yeah, your voice truly made my day too," I admitted, feeling giddy.

"We really do make each other's day, don't we?" she said and chuckled.

"Absolutely," I said warmly.

She giggled.

I saw Mom getting into the driver's seat.

"Ah, Babe, I think we're leaving now... Mom will be driving today, so I can still rest," I said.

"Tita's really sweet. Message me when you get there, alright? Love you," she whispered in the last part.

Her words always make me feel shy and give me butterflies.

"Okay, love you too, Babe. Take care," I replied before ending the call.

Her voice is so comforting to hear; it made me smile.

Glancing to my left, Tita was taking a video of me still holding Siri.

"Let's go?," Mom asked and Tita nodded.

They noticed my smile as they got into the car.

"You have such a big smile on your face, darling, I know whyyyyy," she teased me while starting the car.

"Love is in the air," Tita joined in, teasing along with Mom.

"Shippers," I replied, laughing and blushing. I turned my attention back to Fluppy and Siri.

They laughed at my response, and we started our journey.

While on the road, I browsed Twitter. It seems the fans have already seen Tita's post. They're really quick. I also saw a post from Becky. They must have gotten it from IG. They brought a lot with them.

It seemed like they had a kid with them. But I knew who they were... BonBon and Boba. It seems Richie and Becky will have fun with the two dogs. I chuckled.

Lost in thought, Mom and Tita started chatting again.

Before I knew it, we had arrived at the resort.

Mom surprised me earlier when we got out of the car, mentioning we'd only stay for the day and if I wanted to visit Becky, it was okay with her.

I got excited but didn't tell Becky.

I texted Richie, "Hey Richie, where are you guys?"

He quickly replied, "We're at ******* Beach Resort. Why are you coming?!"

"Ah, just wondering if I could join you guys. Please don't tell Becky, okay?" I messaged back.

"Sure thing, Freen. Becky will be surprised. See you around!" Richie's reply came promptly.

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