Chapter 32: Farewells and Arrivals

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Akane Resort, Nightfall

It has been an hour since the Tower of Heaven's disappearance. Everyone was more than relieved to see that Kagari had survived, as the group returned to Akane Resort. Erza carried Kagari on her back the entire way, ignoring the protests from the guys and Beru who had offered to carry him instead.

When they did return to the resort, Erza was still carrying Kagari to his hotel room and gently laid him down on the bed, placing him under the covers.

She sat on the side of his bed, watching him as he slept. She  re-quipped into her sleeveless white blouse and blue skirt.

Erza was deep in thought as she gazed at him.

Erza: You've saved my life today... multiple times....You never left my side, even when I told you too. And you motivated me to defeat my fears ...

Erza: Thank you. For everything you've done...

Erza closed her eyes and planted a soft kiss on Kagari's left cheek. Realizing what she did, She quickly exited the room and leaned on the wall next to his door, blushing.

Erza's Thoughts: How could I have done such a thing? And why is my heart beating so fast?

???: That was a very bold move, Erza.

Erza turned around and almost screamed as she saw Lucy sitting next to her.

Erza: Lucy?! What are you doing here?!

Lucy: I just came by to see how you and Kagari were doing.

A tint of pink then bloomed on her face as she gushed with a smile.

Lucy: When I peeked in I saw you place that heartwarming kiss on his cheek...

Erza's blushed even more as closed her eyes and looked away, crossing her arms over her chest.

Erza: You were just seeing things. Kagari is only a dear friend and teammate to me ... nothing more.

Lucy: But... back on the beach, he looked like more than just a friend to you.

Lucy: Oh, you were crying so much when you and Kagari were reunited, both of your eyes were in tears.

Erza's eyes snapped open in shock from the latter part of her comment.

Erza: What? That can't be. I... I can't cry from my right eye.

Lucy: That's never happened before?

Erza: No. My right eye is artificial. I've never cried from it ever since I received it, until now. So, why?

Lucy: I'm not sure... have you ever thought it's because of you're in for Kagari...?

Erza growled in annoyance while looking away.

Erza: It's not love!

All of a sudden, a certain blue cat popped out of nowhere, teasing Erza.

Happy: Erza luuuuvs Kagari.

Erza: Can you two just drop it?

Lucy: Okay, okay. But you do have feelings for him, Erza. You should at least let him know...

Erza watched Lucy as she walked away.

Happy: Ooooh... Kagari and Erza, sitting in a...

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