Chapter 26: Kagari's Housewarming

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It has now been a few days since Kagari and Erza returned to Fairy Tail after completing the S-Class Quest of exterminating The Nightmare Demons of Ravainia. During that time, Kagari decided to take a well deserved break from going out on jobs as he now had enough money to invest into buying a house for himself.

However, for his home, he decided that he would rather live in one of the houses on the outside near the trail that leads to the city instead of living in the city like Erza, Lucy, and Gray do.

A/N: Before you all ask, yes

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A/N: Before you all ask, yes. It's the log cabin from Sword Art Online.

Thankfully, there were a few homes that were built near the forest in Magnolia and one of them was at a very good price of 4 million jewel, which meant he still had money saved over for other uses. It was a very large wooden cabin that had a stone trail that led to the main trail that lead to Magnolia. Along with a very beautiful view of Lake Sciliora and Magnolia from the house's large wooden balcony.

Once Kagari officially moved out or Gray's house and when the house was finally bought, a few changes had to be made. First, a squadron of Shadow Knights and Shadow Bears were ordered remain and guard the premises when Kagari leaves his home. Then, Tusk placed a protective spell over the materials the house was made off to make sure it wouldn't be vulnerable to fire, natural or magical.

Of course, Beru offered to have himself and the other Shadows create him a large mansion like they did before long ago, but Kagari denied his offer as he didn't want people asking about a giant mansion being mysteriously built in the middle of the forest.


Tomorrow was going to be the day of Kagari's Housewarming Party where the members of his team (Erza, Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and Happy) were all going to come over and celebrate him earning his new home. But before that happened, there was somewhere he needed to go first.

Kagari: Hey...

Kagari: It's been a while since I've been here, huh? I'm going to be busy tomorrow and I won't get the chance to come back here so

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Kagari: It's been a while since I've been here, huh? I'm going to be busy tomorrow and I won't get the chance to come back here so...

Kagari walked towards the stone and sat below it, quietly.

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