Chapter 30: Falling for a Trap

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That night I felt a bit sick to my stomach so I got up and left my room. All of my nerves are finally getting to me... well, that is what I assume anyway. Acting all tough and kind works well when trying to comfort someone like Ari, but it does nothing for me. Putting on a brave face is draining especially when I'm just as scared as everyone else. Poor Eddy... seeing him get attacked by those shadows and no one able to stop it... his screams still ring in my ears.

I get some water from the common living room and sit by the fireplace. It's still burning even more and I enjoy the warmth even if the heat also makes my arm ache. I'm healed without a scar, but I can't help but wonder if my twin is. What if he has a bad scar? I haven't felt anything from him since then either which makes me worried. I don't feel empty though... that's a good thing, right? If I'm not empty then he's still alive somewhere. I keep telling myself that so I don't feel overwhelmed and sad.

I take a drink of my water and lean back while sitting by the fire. We didn't even have class so this day was short... yet also felt so long. I don't even know if Eddy is ok because no one will tell us anything even if we ask. It's unfair yet I also get it. No news could be good news as daddy would say. It doesn't make it any less frustrating though. I'm sure it's the same feeling for the dark art students too. The girl who got hurt must have been well-liked in their side of the school.

I sigh and close my eyes trying to clear my mind, but I can still see it. Eddy's white robes being stained with crimson... his screams and pleads for help... then silence after the shadows leave him. He was so still... his face pale and hair messy. He always had his hair brushed perfectly and always looked ready to take on the world. He wanted to be a scholar which showed since his scores in everything but actual spell casting and potions were flawless.

I just want to know if he'll be ok. He can be goofy and has funny outcomes in potions with his wild green hair and sour orange tongue. But he's still one of us: a student of light and someone I considered a friend. I want to see his smile again... I don't want to remember him all bloody and pale. The thought of it makes me feel cold... wait. I'm actually getting cold.

I open my eyes feeling a cool breeze even though I'm sitting next to the fire... where is it coming from? Annoyed at the coolness, I look around before my eyes fall on a window... an open window. I could have sworn they were supposed to be closed too. I stand up and go over to close it. As I reach out, my eyes fall on what is outside. Nothing strange at first... just darkness... yet I see the moonlight so it isn't cloudy.

Then the darkness moves... and I feel all the blood drain from my face. I jump back and let out a scream as the shadows come through the window and attack me. A trap... I fell for an obvious trap. How could I be so stupid?!

I continue to scream and soon fall to the ground as the shadows continue to attack. It feels like I'm being stabbed over and over by tiny knives... no maybe I'm being bitten by teeth? I don't know but it hurts and won't let up. I hear footsteps and many voices all around me, but what's worse is the smell of blood... my blood. I can't make out any faces either as the shadows swarm me. As I start to fall unconscious, the last thing I hear is laughter. A shrill excited laughter that can't be described as anything but gleeful and evil. It's all I can hear as my world goes black.



I hear a scream from somewhere and start to feel unbearable. I curl up and let out soft cries, but I'm locked in a dream. No matter how much I try, I can't wake up or escape this pain.

In my dream, I'm surrounded by darkness. I feel like I'm being chased, but I can't see anything around me. I cry for help, but I feel like something is biting into me and tearing me apart. All around me, I hear the ear-piercing sound of shrill laughter, the same one I heard during my wand choosing. I can't make it who is laughing but soon I see red... is it blood?

No... it's something worse. One big lone red eye is watching me while that laughter continues to deafen me while my skin is ripped and torn. Suddenly I feel hands on me shaking me. I flinch and cry out. "N-no! No... stop please!" I fall to my knees and cry out blood making me feel too warm.

Finally, I hear a familiar voice. "... el... Ari... Ariel!" My dream melts away as I snap awake breathing heavily. Danny is standing over me his eyes wide and filled with horror. I sit up but flinch in pain. As I look at my arms, I'm covered in blood... my own blood. My eyes widen in horror and I know why Danny looks so terrified. What happened to me?

Before I can say anything, our door swings open making us jump at the sudden noise. "Guys, get up! Hurry! Didn't you hear that scream?! Alyssa Rose got attacked by the shadows in the dorms!" It's Slate Stone, the boy who showed me to close on my first day. Before he closes the door, he freezes seeing the state I'm in. "You were attacked too?! Help!" He yells out and runs out to get someone to help.

My heart is pounding in my chest. Ally was attacked? I move to get out of bed but Danny stops me. "Don't move!" As he pulls his hand away, I see the blood and feel dizzy. "Why didn't you cry out? I heard the scream and got up but saw you tossing and turning... why didn't you make any noise?"

I hesitate on the question. My cries always annoyed Mother so I stopped making any noise while in the punishment room or in general. Father would also call me weak if I did make a peep while crying. If I was slapped, I would stifle my sobs and try to appear invisible. Every time I got whipped, I'd bite my lip or tongue to avoid any whimpers or cries from escaping. It was a habit on my end.

However, there is only one thing that will make me scream: fire. If Connor hadn't burned me, I wouldn't have cried out and Brandon wouldn't have found me that night either. I'm used to taking it and keeping silent but fire... being burned... it's something I can't bear at all.

Seeing the look on my face makes Danny pale. "Y-you..." did he realize something? Before I can ask, Jason rushes inside. "Ari?!" He comes to my side and looks over my wounds. "I came as soon as I heard! Ally's mother is with her so I came to see you..." he examines the wounds on me and pauses. His eyes widen and he looks up at me. "You..." he has a strange look on his face... his eyes show clarity too. Why does it look like he's figured something out?

Jason snaps out of it as I feel uncomfortable and takes out his wand. "Heal. Be calm." I feel the cuts on me close up. I fall forward without meaning to and Jason catches me. "Shh... it's ok kiddo... close your eyes and rest." He murmurs and his voice makes my eyes droop. As I doze off I sense myself getting picked up. I lean into the familiar warmth and listen to his heartbeat. It's pounding so loudly... is he scared? But he looked so excited before... I don't think about it too long as I fall into a deep sleep.

I feel like I'm floating. As I open my eyes, I find myself in a sea of stars. As I walk around, I sense a presence that makes me freeze. I look around frantically feeling afraid before I spot a hooded figure. "W-who's there?!" My voice echoes oddly in this place. The figure approaches slowly and I panic trying to pinch myself awake.

"... Have no fear, child." I tense hearing the voice of an old man and look up. He is in a dark purple hooded robe. I can't see his face, but I can make out a long and gray beard. "I will not harm you." I take a step back and tremble. "I understand your fear." He lets out a soft and sad sigh which makes me blink. Why is he so sad?

"I apologize, child. You shouldn't have to go through what you will in the future." I blink dumbly not knowing what he's going on about. "Your fate remains the same no matter how much I look into it. You will continue to go through hardships... listen, chosen child." I frown as he looks up. His eyes are a pale blue almost white as if he were blind. "No matter what... do not lose hope. It will only get harder... but you must move forward. Choose your goals... and go for it."

"W-what do you mean?" I stammer but he's starting to disappear. "Wait! What are you talking about? Who are you?!" The old man only smiles at me. "We will meet again in the future, chosen child," I call out to him again, but soon I fall into a dreamless sleep from then on. Even as the details fade, I can still see the sad smile from a blind old man.

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