Chapter 28: Master's Plan

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Late at night, I'm startled awake. When I sit up, I feel something moving across my arm. Ah... Master wants to talk to me. I get out of bed and sneak out of my room. I've done this so many times and with the help of a special necklace Master gave me years ago, no one can see me or sense my magic. It comes in handy when I want to watch my target without being noticed. No one suspects a thing and I get a thrill out of it.

I follow the shadow out into the woods behind the school. First years aren't allowed out here due to the many unfriendly magic creatures. I find myself out here at least twice a week to give my report on the naive and weak Moonfall boy or the annoying and preppy Rose brat.

My original plan that day during the defensive duel was to hurt the Rose brat and see if he got hurt. Instead, the usually timid Moonfall boy protected her and ignited their Soul's Flame. To me that seemed to prove he wasn't the one I should be keeping an eye on... but Master wasn't convinced. Until they are, I'm to keep an eye on him.

The shadow soon returns to its origin source and I'm face to face with my Master. Well as much as it can be they never reveal their face since all I ever see are those mismatched eyes through the shadows. "It's about time you showed up. I thought you got lost." Master's voice is always different, sometimes very feminine other times not so much. Gender doesn't matter to me though. "I apologize, Master. I didn't want to accidentally wake up my annoying roommates." I shrug.

Master narrows those mismatched eyes the red one darkening. I wonder if my apology didn't convince them but they just move on. "Whatever. Anyway, what do you have to report? Anything new with that Ariel brat?" I chuckle. "Oh, he's just as weak as ever. The Rose brat is avoiding him like the plague and hates all the teasing. He's just sticking close to his two best friends... the teacher and the dark arts student."

Master watches me closely and seems convinced I'm not hiding anything. Why would I? I want them to win more than anything! They took me in when I was abandoned and taught me everything I know. If I wasn't playing a first year, I would be able to show off with ease. "Good. It would be nice if they would all just abandon him. Isolate him... make him vulnerable. That way it would be easy to get rid of him once and for all... if only it was that simple."

I know what they mean. If he's all alone, they would be able to use the perish curse on him. It would be better though if we knew for sure if he was the missing twin Master failed to kill thirteen years ago. If he really is a Moonfall then Silas will come after us. He already knows what I did yet does nothing to me. Being who he is, Silas must be working for Master too, but I'm not sure. Anytime I ask Master never gives me a straight answer. It's frustrating but I also get it.

I can tell by the way the shadows moved around Master that they're frustrated too. If only that firstborn twin didn't get away... then everything would be right in the world! If that boy is still a target, there has to be a way to get everyone to turn on him... suddenly an idea pops in my head. At the beginning of the year, everyone thought he was Master's minion... what if we fuel that flame again? What if we get everyone to turn on him thinking he's evil like a Moonfall should be?

"Hey, Master." I feel their eyes focus on me again. "I have an idea. Why don't we make everyone think he's your minion?" I ask. Master narrows their eyes at me. "And what would that do for us?" I clear my throat. "If everyone thinks he's just working for you, then they'll turn on him." I sense them getting interested now. "If they believe he was getting close to the Rose brat to get more information, then he'll be left all alone too."

Master thinks about this for a moment. "I can work with that. Alright..." I feel excited. Master never praises me but this is the closest thing. "Ok. Let's do this then. First, we just need to make him look like he's using shadows..." As they explain their plan, my excitement grows. Finally! Some excitement in this dull dragging year. And I can get rid of this weak boy too!

"Keep doing what you're doing. I'll take care of the rest." Master orders and I nod. "Yes, Master. I'll take care of the rest." With that I'm dismissed so I go back to my room. I grin from ear to ear. We can finally learn if he's the Rose brat's twin once and for all!

As I get back into bed happy that my roommates are still snoring away, I close my eyes and chuckle to myself. Oh, this is going to be fun... after this, I'm sure Master will praise me even more! With the thought of the Moonfall boy dead and gone, I fall into happy dreams.


The Dark One

I watch the boy go back to his room and then move along. I find it amusing that he desires that boy's death so strongly. If he is the one I'm looking for, I desire it as well. To have strong magic like this and being a firstborn twin? If he is the missing Rose twin, then he is the one from the prophecy, the one who can stop me. I won't let anyone stand in my way. I'll stop this damned prophecy from happening. Nothing shall get in the way of my plans.

I watch my surroundings through my shadows. They give me sight so I don't even have to be there at Raven's. It comes in handy too because I can't let my presence known there. Staying hidden and forgotten makes things so much easier for me to get what I need.

I lean back in my chair and narrow my eyes. Those words that haunt me... arrogance and greed... that old bat had to warn me of what would come. Since he had never been wrong before, I made sure to get rid of every firstborn twin born after hearing those words. I scoff now thinking of what this would mean if Ariel Moonfall was the missing twin. That meant he went behind my back and betrayed me. The idea of the smug and arrogant Silas Moonfall lying to my face makes my blood boil. If he is the one who got in my way... I won't let any of them survive.

I look over to the boy I took that night. While my minion in Raven's is very promising... this one is on a whole new level. His dark magic abilities are outstanding and he's only getting stronger. He's a power assist indeed and I will get much use out of him indeed. He looks up at me and grins his dark gray eyes full of nothing but darkness and joy. This assignment is giving him plenty to do and I'm enjoying his increasingly fast and improving skills.

In front of us is a young woman struggling with her bindings. After being questioned for days, she seems to have nothing of importance to share with us. I thought the midwife would have seen something but no matter how many times she gets tortured, she says nothing helpful.

I frown at the woman as I approach her. As I look into her tear-filled green eyes, I can tell she isn't lying. She says nothing and has no idea what happened, nothing on how the baby was taken and switched, nothing on who did it either. She is completely useless... but she is a good test subject to teach the boy who to torture and manipulate. As go back and sit on my chair regarding the two of them

"What will you have me do?" He asks. I hear the joy and venom in his tone. I smirk at him. "... Go ahead, boy," I say and look back at the woman who sobs silently. "Well then... your fate is sealed. You're useless to me so... goodbye, Sienna Ashby." I say. Her eyes widen in terror while the boy points his wand at her in glee. "N-no... w-wait... please!" She stammers out trying to get away.

He only smirks darkly. "Intereo." He purrs out the spell like it's a sweet treat and the dark red blast makes sure she never speaks again. For a child to learn this spell at age ten... the darkness in his heart makes him a useful tool. A perfect tool filled with dark magic, a boy who is a true sadist.

It puts that other boy I raised to shame, but his humanity is the only reason I sent him to Raven's. It is a necessary evil so that he's not found out at any point. His desire to please me makes him just as useful too even if his eagerness gets annoying.

"Good work," I say making the boy grin and go up to me. He acts like a little puppy eager for pets. He deserves it though. If this plan goes well then the other one will deserve it too. If not... well it doesn't matter.

I will rid myself of this burdensome prophecy. I don't care what the old bat says... I will make everything mine. It is what I deserve... this world will be mine.

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