PT.28 Try To Hide It.

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I get myself together and I wipe my face and I sniffle. I sigh and I quickly get my stuff ready and I just throw a robe on I don't even change... I just want to get out of here... I wanna go home in my bed and just drink my feelings away... I wanna go to the hotel.... I quickly walk out of the studio with a limp and a black eye and a bruise on my head and a red mark on my throat from the chain and hickeys.. i walk to a gas station and I buy cigarettes and a bottle of bud light. I open the bud light and I walk to the hotel and I feel my legs getting weaker and weaker and my eyes getting heavier and heavier. I try to make it to the hotel and make it to my room. I open the hotel door and I walk in with my head down so they don't see my face but they are probably gonna see is especially since I'm in a fucking robe and my neck and face is all beaten up. I start to walk past and I hear everyone gets quiet and my anxiety spikes up. I feel someone grab my wrist and turn me around quickly and I look up at them... It's husk... My heart drops "What the hell...?" He puts his hand up to my face as he looks at my face and he trails his hand from my cheek to my neck and I feel my heart beat faster in fear but also... Nervousness or... Love...? No that can't be it my anxiety is just fucking with my head.... I push him away and I turn with my thread down and I run into the elevator and I go upstairs. Lucky only husk saw what's wrong with me... But I didn't want him to see that eathier... I go upstairs into my room and I lock my door behind me. I take my robe off and I'm still in my stripper outfit and I look at all of my scars, I look at my hip dips... I look so ugly... Val is right, no one will ever love me... I change into shorts and a T-shirt and I light a cigarette and I smoke by a window as I look outside. I blow out the blue smoke and I take a drink of my bud light. "Fucking hell... Why...? Why...." I put my hands on my head and I sit on the ground with my knees tucked up to my chest and I grab my hair and I bull on it "GOD DAMNIT!" I start to tear up and I softly cry. I take a puff of my cig and I finish it and I flick it away. I blow out the smoke and I lean my head back on the wall. I open my phone and I look at my face. I go to texts and I see Charlie blowing up my phone with texts

Charlie: Y/N are you ok?! Why did you look so sad when you came in and why were you in a robe

Y/N: I'm ok just a hard day at work and             was to lazy to change. Also I wasn't sad I was just tired!

Charlie: You promise because husk is kinda freaking out a little... I know you guys "hate" eachother but he seems to care a lot about you...

Y/N: Yes I promise and I'm sure he is fine. He is probably freaking out because... Uhm... Because he probably thinks I got myself wasted again and he doesn't want to deal with my shit again.

Charlie: Uhm he seems really worried about that then hehe... Ok well I'll tell him your fine and get some rest ok!

Y/N: Alright Charlie I will. Goodnight!

Charlie: Goodnight!

I turn off my phone and I feel my heart beating faster. I hate husk but that feeling and he is worrying about me...? I don't know what going on... I get up and I walk to my bed and I lay down. I stretch and I yawn. I finish my bud light and I close my eyes and I finally fall asleep.

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