PT.3 Arrival In Hell

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I wake up on the sidewalk and I groan and I open my eyes I look at the red sky and I look around and I see demons, dead body's, shops, and blood. "Where the hell am I...?" I stand up and surprisingly I only feel a little sore and I'm actually wearing clothes but I'm still starving but I usually make myself starve and when I do eat food I just throw it back up... I look at my clothes and I'm wearing a hoodie and sweatpants but then I look at my hands... I have claws and fur! "What the ever living fuck! Am I in hell?! God damn I can never catch a break..." I sigh and I walk into a shop. I go into the woman's bathroom and I go into a changing stall with a mirror I look at myself in shock. Im a cat. A fucking... CAT. Wow out of any animal I'm a cat... I have h/c ears with a blue tip at the top and I have a long tail with a blue tip at the end. I take my clothes off so I'm only wearing a bra and underwear and I have furr from my knees down and my feet are now cat paws and I have fur from my elbows down and I have paws with claws and blue tips at the end too. But my elbows and knees up... Every single one of my disgusting scars are there... All of the memories are still planted in my body and will never leave... I look disgusting... I hate myself... I hate my scars... I hate my stomach... I hate my legs, arm, face. Everything... I feel tears start to fill my eyes and I drop a couple tears but I quickly stop myself for now and I put my clothes back on and I leave the bathroom. I walk out of the bathroom and I walk up to the cashier and I fiddle with my fingers a little while taking to them since I'm not used to talking to people. "Hi uhm... Do you know where I am? I think I'm in hell but- I just got here you know..." The cashier looks at me with the most tired and annoyed face ever. She definitely didn't want to talk to anyone... She leans against the counter and she looks at me. "Hm... Well welcome to hell. And it sucks, but just so you know there is no laws here but don't try to cause chaos." I nod in under standing and I ask one more question. "So one more question. Do you know anywhere I can stay? And can I have a free bottle of beer?" The cashier looks away and grabs a bottle of beer and gives it to me and sighs "well it's hell so you have like one choose. It's called the hazbin hotel, Lucifers daughter Charlie morning star is running it for people" she hands me an address to the hotel."And that's like the only hotel down here." I nod in understanding "ok thanks. Well bye now I'm gonna go find that hotel." I walk out of the store. I go to store and I grab a suitcase and I put mostly hoodies and sweatpants to cover my scars and I put shorts and T-shirts for PJs. And since there are no laws hereee I just walk out and the owners of the store didn't even care. That's convenient... I put my bottle of beer into the suitcase and I walk to the hazbin hotel address.

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