ONE, eleven

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hi i haven't proof read it but i wanted to post proceed w caution thanks luv youse 🫶🏻

hi i haven't proof read it but i wanted to post proceed w caution thanks luv youse 🫶🏻

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THE FLASHING LIGHT AT THE BOTTOM OF HER VAPE, had sent Lexa into a frenzy. As if she weren't already stressed about whether Spider would even show, now she had nothing to take her mind off it.

She instead flopped over her bed, considering if she should just put her pyjamas on and call it a night. Then she thought about even starting her English homework, quickly shutting that down.

The doorbell ringing had caused her to freeze before joint up, trying to compose herself as she headed toward the door. Lo and behold, there he was, Spencer White.

"Was beginning to think you wouldn't show," Lexa said, her eyes tracing over him. He took a step into her house, "I told you I would."

"Three hours after I asked," Lexa rebutted, Spider smirking, "Checking read receipts are we?"

"It was just an estimate," She covered, the two raiding her kitchen for snacks before they moved into her bedroom. She had her laptop out with a list of movies they'd always talked about watching, her school stuff all over the floor and of course her decaying vape.

His eyes darted over Lexa's photo wall above her bad, still far too many of Dusty he thought and a surprising few of him and her as they'd grown up. She noticed his stare at the one of her and Dusty at their first dance, so she pointed out the one of her and him on school camp.

"You looked good that night," Spider nodded, Lexa scrunching her face, "That was right after you and Ant threw me in the water and made me dive through the sand to get my buried towel. Dicks."

"Nah, I meant formal," He turned back to her, "Not that the sandy look wasn't you in another life."

"I reckon I'm still tasting sand today," Lexa smiled, trailing back to what he'd said, "Dances are overrated."

Spider rolled his eyes, "You love that shit."

"I do," She shrugged, "But you hate them, so, there's that. Why do you hate them? Youre always trying to ruin the fun."

"Dunno," Though he did, "Everyone always had a date they liked, I just took the girl Dusty'd reject for you."

"Oh please, you and Kiana Taylor were like fucking in the bathrooms one year," She giggled, "And then I remember the infamous Louisa Anderson... Then there was Woodsy's niece, God that didn't end well did it?"

"He nodded shyly, "I mean, I never had sex with any of them but sure."


"Yeah, whatever, it's lame I get it," He shrugged, "We did stuff I guess but it just never went that far."

"How am I just learning this now?" She furrowed her brows, "Like this is shocking information."

"Great," Spider retorted, though he'd regretted saying a word when her eyes lit up, "Am I the only girl you've ever slept with?"

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