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Miami Florida
Imani Taylor || 2 weeks later

It's been two weeks since Omar and I broke up or shall I say took a break and I haven't stopped crying ever since,I love him so much but we needed space from each other. There was ring on my doorbell ,so I went to check who it was. I opened the door to see the girls with ice cream and wine in their hands.

"Girl why you ain't responding to our texts on the group chat?" Nairari asked as I let them in

"I haven't been active ,I just feel so numb" I sighed

"I hate to say this but, you need to talk to that man even if you don't want to" Nique sighed as she sat down

"He has been sending me messages but I left him on read" I huffed

"He is so heartbroken ,he came by Jakari's house the other day, and it looked like he hadn't bathed in 3 days and he smelt of alcohol ,it was really sad to see him like that" Nairari explained

"Men really do go through the most during a break up" Melani sighed

"I just need some more time you know,I really want us to work this out but he needs to find himself first and he needs to change his ways ,I can't be dealing with a nigga who is attached to his ex girlfriend" I explained

"Well you don't have to worry about him dealing with his ex anymore,she apparently left the country because she was wanted by the police for identity theft" Nique shrugged

"What?" Miriam laughed

"Yep,she was pretending to be a model for Vogue until they found out she stole someone's whole name and identity,that hoe quickly left the country the moment she got the chance" Nique explained making us all laugh

"That's crazy" I laughed

"I can't imagine what else she has lied about,I bet she lied about being pregnant with Omar's baby back in college" Aliyah laughed

"Girl what??" Nairari laughed

"It was crazy,she literally had to fake a pregnancy so that she could get money off of Omar and once Omar knew she was faking that pregnancy,they broke up then they got together again because she made up some lie about getting raped so Omar could feel sorry for her and take her back and that nigga took her back until she ended things with Omar because she found out Omar didn't wanna deal with her anymore" Aliyah explained further.

"So Omar isn't the problem,it's his ex" Miriam shrugged

"I hate to agree with her but that's true" Nairari sighed

"Can we eat the ice cream,we are supposed to be comforting Imani,instead we talking about Omar's crazy ex girlfriend" Kehlani spoke up

"Hearing these stories is quite comforting" I laughed

"But she has a point,the ice cream gonna melt and that wine ain't gonna drink itself" Nairari laughed

So we stood up and walked to the kitchen to have some ice cream and some wine as we talked about different things. I love my girls,I wouldn't trade them for anyone.

"So how is it going with Jakari" I asked Nairari as I drank my wine

"Everything is good,and no we didn't have sex again ,we have decided that there's other things better than sex that spices up our relationship" Nairari laughed

"That is very mature of you guys" I smiled

"But y'all still have some quickies right?" Nique asked

"No we don't, Isaiah is always with us and he literally sleeps with Jakari and I , apparently he is looking out for me even if he loves Jakari ,he still gotta make sure his mama's heart don't get broken" Nairari laughed

"That is my nephew,he learnt from the best" Miriam cheesed

"He spends to much time with you Mimi " Melani laughed

"That is very true" Nairari laughed

"I need to buy new bathing suits and outfits for our trip to Bora Bora" Kehlani pouted

"I literally forgot we have a trip soon" Aliyah laughed

"Girl me too,and I haven't made a budget for my shopping spree" Melani sighed

"Melani,you have a whole wardrobe full of swimsuits,if I need to do shopping then it's gotta be in your wardrobe" Nairari laughed

"We can just make a day ,where we go out to buy swimsuits before the trip" I suggested

"We can do that this Friday" Miriam smiled

"Sounds like a plan " Nique smiled

We spent the rest of the day watching some P-valley and drinking more wine. I really needed this ,it helped me take my mind of Omar and our relationship. Once the girls were gone ,I was alone again so I decided to clean up before going to bed and I heard a ring on the doorbell. Who is it honestly. I went to open the door to see Omar standing on my doorstep.

"You can't be here " I sighed

"I miss you Imani,and I can't be away from you,I know I made a mistake and I promise I'm no longer talking to my ex and I have thought it through and I want us to go back to the way it used to be before this drama" Omar sighed

" Omar please don't do this,I can't do this right now please" I sniffled as I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"Imani please don't block me out , I know you need space but I need you" Omar sighed

"If you love me , you should give me some more space but I can't do this anymore,at least not now,I just need a little more space and I need to know you've changed" I cried and he crashed his lips onto mine, even though I didn't want to kiss him back,I couldn't deny that I was craving Omar so I kissed him back.

Once we pulled away from each other,I let Omar in and we finally talked. I missed my baby so much,I'm glad he has actually decided to change and nothing was gonna stand in our way ever again







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