513 21 2

Miami, Florida
Nairari Burns

I was in the kitchen cutting up Isaiah some fruits as he played in the living room with Nique and Miriam,there was a knock at my apartment door so I went to check it out and I immediately closed the door when I saw Tyrese but he held the door and pushed it open.

"I don't think that's necessary Nairari" Tyrese chuckled and I just stood there with disgust.

"What's not necessary is you coming up here in her apartment" Nique stood up as she walked towards us.

"I came to see my son,that's why I'm here" Tyrese spat

"How did you find out where I live? And since when did you care about Isaiah" I stood my ground

"My sister doesn't know how to keep a secret,so I convinced her to tell me where you at" Tyrese laughed

"I swear,if you threatened Imani,imma have a restraining order put against you" I gritted my teeth

"Where the fuck is my son Nairari" Tyrese huffed as he pushed me aside and walked towards Miriam who was hiding Isaiah behind her legs

"You gotta leave Tyrese " Miriam kissed her teeth as she held Isaiah closer

"Stay away from my son Tyrese or I'm calling the police " I spoke in a cracked voice

"So I can't see my son??is that what the fuck you're saying,get it into your thick skull Nairari, this is my son too so imma fucking see him whenever I want " Tyrese chuckled as he grabbed Isaiah from behind Miriam's legs making Isaiah cry and me run towards him.

"Mummmyyyyyyy" Isaiah cried

"Let my son go Tyreseeeeee your scaring him" I sniffled as tears formed in my eyes

"Mummy I want you " Isaiah cried more making me snatch him out of Tyrese's hands

"I'm sorry baby, mommy is here " I cried as he tried to stop Isaiah from crying

"I still have doubts about him you know,might still be my best friends child ,he looks nothing like me anyways " Tyrese chuckled

"It takes two to make a baby Tyrese but it took one to raise the child,your nothing but a dead beat who beats on women just to make yourself feel good,I don't know why I even put up with you " I yelled as I held Isaiah close to me.

"The police are on their way " Nique spoke up making Tyrese laugh

"You think the police is gonna stop me from seeing my son? Think again and Nairari imma pay y'all a visit again and these two better not be here because you're gonna regret the day you were born" Tyrese spat as he pushed Passed me and Nique and left my apartment slamming the door. I gave Isaiah to Nique and walked to the bathroom next to the living room and locked the door and cried my eyes out.

"Nairari,he won't come round here no more,imma make sure of it" Miriam spoke from the other side of the door

"Why did I have a child with such a monster?" I questioned myself as I cried

"You wouldn't have known Naira,it's not your fault and it will never be your fault" Nique consoled me from the other side of the door

"Mummy, don't cry because I'm going to cry" Isaiah sniffled and I opened the door and embraced him in my arms

"See , mommy is fine,mommy isn't crying anymore baby and that man isn't going to touch you ever again,mommy loves you,you know that right?" I sniffled as I whispered in Isaiah's ears

"I love you too mommy" Isaiah cried

"Don't cry bubba,do you want me to call Kari?" I smiled slightly and he nodded his head

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