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After getting yelled up by the Ministers and the panicking public the policecheif decided to hand over the case to Crime CID and forensic professionals . But before handovering the case they were given 2months to submit ther progression as a way to protect their face from public .

The department officers of district 401 was the one handling the case they were heavily criticised by the media bashing them whenever possible.  As the leader of the department yoongi had to face the insulting questions and disdained looks from others it was clear not only him but all his colleagues where tangled in this .

Yoongi was cornered from all the ends it was as if he was at the corner of the cliff hanging in a thread which could possibly break or save him from the fall.

2months 60 days were left the countdown started till his ultimate fall as a respected officer to no one.


The department were called for an emergency meeting at 3Am they couldn't let another murder occur not till the case is handoverd.

The heated discussion went on , there was no time to spare

The hunt begins now......

KILLER IN THE DARK ||TAEKOOK||YOOMIN||Where stories live. Discover now