Chapter 31

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"Molly I'm going to ask you this question one more time." Deputy Plumb pushed me. "Where is John B?"

"And I'm gonna give you the same answer one more time." I snapped back. "I don't know." She let out an annoyed sigh and shook her head before storming out of the room and slamming the door shut behind her.
Shoupe told her and one of the other deputies to bring Topper and I to the station to find out what we know about John B. It's not a lie, I don't know where him and Sarah went. We didn't exactly have time to discuss it.

I stared at the blank cement wall across from me and tapped my fingers on the metal table. They removed our cuffs when we got back to the station and once they had us in our interrogation rooms. They decided on questioning us separately which was pointless considering both of us know nothing. We've been here almost all night and I'm beyond exhausted. A few minutes of silence went by and the door opened again, this time Shoupe walked in, and dropped a file on the table in front of me.

"Listen Molly, I'm going to make this plain and simple for you. Your boy Top over there is going to get let out of here alright. He's a juvenile, at the most he'd get probation but you're an adult and you're in for a world of shit if you don't cooperate." He threatened, and sat down across from me.

"I'm sorry what charges exactly are you trying to get me on here? I didn't do anything."

"John B murdered Sheriff Peterkin. If you don't cooperate we can book you on being an accessory to a murder." My eyes widened at his words.

"Accessory?! How would I be an accessory to a murder John B didn't commit, and even if he did I didn't help him." I defended myself. The thought of them trying to book me on that is insane.

"John B was in that lighthouse with the two of you I know it!" Shoupe hissed, standing up and pointing at me angrily.

"He wasn't there. I mean as far as I saw the place burned to the ground. Do you have any actual evidence to back anything you're saying up here?" I questioned him. "With all due respect I understand you were close with Sheriff Peterkin and you want justice for what happened but arresting me and holding me for doing nothing is not going to reflect too well on you especially considering I can hire a lawyer who will get this dismissed with their eyes closed." He seemed to consider what I'm saying and I can tell he knows I'm right. Trying to get me on being an accessory is complete bullshit and I can hire a good enough lawyer to knock this out easily. He has no leg to stand on.

"John Bis-"

"Innocent." I cut him off. "John B didn't kill anyone."

"We have an eye witness Molly." I rolled my eyes at this.

"Who Ward? You're going to tell me he's an upstanding, trustworthy citizen?"

"Ward and Rafe both saw it happen Molly. I understand you might not trust Ward but I would think you'd trust your boyfriend."

"John B didn't kill anyone." I stood my ground. "Sarah was at the tarmac that day too did you ask her what happened?"

"Alright hotshot who did it then?" He pushed. "Hmm?" I opened my mouth to respond but before I could there was a knock at the door and Deputy Plumb opened it.

"Sorry to interrupt." She apologized, but I also noticed how she shot me a glare. "The SBl is here sir." They called in the SBI?! Shoupe sighed and looked at me again.

"Thank you Deputy Plumb. Miss Wescott is free to go." I stood up quickly before he can think of changing his mind.

"What?!" She hissed, clearly annoyed with his decision.

"We have nothing we can hold her on." I smirked at this and left the room. Just as I was walking out, Topper's mom walked into the station.

Thankfully since I'm not a minor my parents didn't get a call. I got my phone back to see about a hundred missed calls from Rafe. It's almost 3:00, I have to get to the dump.


Rafe's Pov

"There's no way outta this bro!" I cried out sitting on the floor of Barry's trailer. Last night Molly and Topper got busted by the police for helping John B get away and the fact that she's helping them tells me that she knows exactly what happened on the tarmac that day. I've been trying non-stop to call her so I can hopefully get her to believe that John B lied to her. Sarah's been locked in her room at home so I know she hasn't spilled the beans yet. Still, if she told Shoupe and the others what John B said I could be going down for life.

"Don't be comin' on my porch sayin' there ain't no way out." Barry responded. "I'mma tell you right now there's a way out alight? What you need to do is nut up. If you got a problem all you can do is fix it. I got a problem right now. I got a big damn problem right now. You see me in my damn room cryin about that shit?!" He started mocking the sound of me crying and if he doesn't stop I'm going to lose my shit and kill him too.

"No! I was about to go fix that shit when you pulled up man. See your girlfriend and little sister and all them friends they still got my cabbage.

And you ain't brought it to me yet." I locked my eyes on him at the mention of Molly. How many times do I have to beat the shit out of this motherfucker? "I ain't got my money and that hammer is comin down on them Pogues."

"You know it was John B who stole that 25k from you right?" I asked him, hoping I don't have to go to prison for two murders now.

"That's the point I'm talking' bout country club. I can tell by your face you're gettin' antsy and my issue ain't with your girl. She's the only one who tried to actually get me my shit back." I felt myself relax at this. "But as soon as the cops pick up John B he gonna start snitchin about all of it. The robbery, my operation, all that shit. Unless I get to him first. I want that boy and I want my money. So what do you say we go get him?"

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